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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br /> TITLE 8, Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2012 PROPOSED FEES <br /> • <br /> § 6.4.100: FEES. The following fee6 have been established by the City Council pursuant to venous provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Code (SLMC), San Leandro Administrative Code )SLAC) or the general laws of the State 01 California. <br /> Description 1 Current Fee ,Reference FY 2011.12 Proposed Fees <br /> COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Building Regulations Division <br /> 7'Excavation and Grading <br /> Minimum Fee 064.50 PLUS the lees shown in the foe schedule as s00111e0 try the City Council 565.40 CP/ <br /> 0012091 tut whatever an hourly rem is slows, the rate Mae be equal m the trued PLUS... <br /> Cost (1 a wdNever is dearer. <br /> Plan Checking 128450 PLUS the lees thewt in the fee schedule ss adopted by the City Council 565.40 CPI <br /> except that wherever an houry nie Is Moon. the rate tall b0 equal to Pe 00,0 <br /> Coal (1) or ...Mohave, is aerate[. <br /> _ 8 Misce08neous <br /> A. Inspection Foos <br /> Fees for inspection not otherwise sat forth herein Direct Cost (1) <br /> Courtesy Inspection for projects that are awaiting permit Issuance waling completion Two times Direct Cost (1) with a minimum of one hour <br /> of plan review <br /> Fees for inspection concluded outside of normal business hours Rate equal to 1.5 times the Direct Cost (1) wt0 a minimum lee of two (2) <br /> hours <br /> a Extra Inspection Fees <br /> Deficient tlent Or Defeatism watt, IX othen'I50 through fault or an0r on 1118 pan of the One Inspection made !elder Ih0 regutar Ides as provided herein <br /> (adder of peers or (ds0er ompoyee5 <br /> Each and every further extra inspection visit Dees Cost (1) with a minimum of one hour <br /> (2) Incorrect Address or location 01 work Direct Cost (1) with a minimum el onoahatl hour <br /> (3) Amending application to increase the number of devices authonz00 for Fees as stated herein for additional installations <br /> installation or repair alter permit hat been ISSuOd and before any inspection of work <br /> is made: <br /> (4) Investigation fee for work commoncad without Post obtaining permits es Fee equal to wee (3) limes the minimum fees PLUS any required permit <br /> required by the San Leandro Municipal Coda, whether or not a permit is fee <br /> subsequently issued <br /> (5) Code Compliance Inspections o the request of the property Owner. Direct Cost (1) with a minimum of one hour <br /> (8) Investigation Fee tor conditions that are not in compliance w the San Leandro Direct Cost(1) <br /> Zoning and/or Municipal Codes <br /> Note: Payment of any investigation lees does 001 exempt any person from compliance with <br /> all other provisions of applicable codes in to exeadiori te to work nor from any other <br /> penalties prescribed by law. <br /> C. Other Fees urtd Charg03 <br /> Automaton Update Fee 6% of Permit Foe, Minimum 88.00 per permit type <br /> Sbao hl0iorl Imoac( Fog: State mandated lax for the Seismic Spey Commission for <br /> seismic monitoring. Collected for No State by the City. Residential: .0010 per 610,00 Valuation or fraction thereof with a 50,50 <br /> run. Corrrnercial'.Ndust uil :.0021 per 01000 Valuation or !caftan thereof <br /> with a 5.50 mil. <br /> a Staronrds Commission (58 1473) Fag: Sato Mandated tax for Green Budding All Residential. Commercial. and Industrial permits that use Valuation to <br /> Standards collected for the Sale by 910 City. determine permit fees: 61.00 per 625,000 valuation or fraction thereof with <br /> a 81.00 minimum, <br /> Certificate of Occupancy Direct Cosa (1) , with minimum of 5132.00 ...ol $134.00 CPI <br /> Temporary Certificate of Occupancy per 30 days Direct Cosa (1) . with minimum of 5132.00 ...o/ 5134.00 CPI <br /> Certificate Of Compliance: Direct Cosa (1) , with minimum of $132.00 ...of 5134.00 C% <br /> Sengaeaney dwelling Direct Costs (1) . with minimum of 5132.00 ...of 5134.00 CPI <br /> TwO.ferruy dwelling Direct Costs (1) , with minimum of 5132.00 ...of 5134.00 CPI <br /> Ati Others Direct Casts (1) , with minimum of 5132.00 ...of 5134.00 CPI <br /> House Moving Porno Direct Cosa (1) plus mileage. with minimum of 5132,00 ...of 5134.00 CPI <br /> Fee retrieval and railing (no salt assistance) $8,50 $ 6.60 CPI <br /> microfilm Copies 51.05 <br /> Photocopies 60.10 per pogo <br /> Staff assistance with No contents Wed Costs (1) <br /> M0ohlming of Permit and Pans includes imaging fee for fire permits: (For purposes of <br /> foe charges, each permit is Considered 0 drawing) <br /> 8 -12 x 11 or 11 x 14 drawings Inswing fire permits $ 1.75 Per sheet <br /> Al other size drawings $ 2.00 per sheet <br /> Appeals _Direct Cost (1) <br /> (1) Direct Cost • hourly personnel charge plus a factor of 100% for fringe bonot ts, overhead and Indirect costs <br /> C 0&L)0E11201 l'1TFaes12012 Proposed Fees memo eth•*as.4M 15 40142011 <br />