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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br /> TITLE 8, Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2012 PROPOSED FEES <br /> 5 8.4.100: FEES. The following less have bean established by the City Council pursuant to various provisions of tho San Leandro Municipal Code (SLMC), San Leandro Administrative Code (SLAC) or the general laws of the State of California. <br /> Description 1 Current Foo 'Reference FY 2011.12 Proposed Foes <br /> 4 Marina / Interstate 880 Traffic Impact Foo (3) <br /> A. Residential: <br /> – General residential 585.181 unit 5608.98Amil <br /> – Senior housing 197.74 1 unit 5705.79/unit <br /> — B. Commercial: I 1 <br /> – General Office 51.23/gross bldg. sq. a. $f.78/gross bldg. sq. ft. <br /> – Medical Office 52.32/gross bldg. sq, a. 82.41/gross bldg. sq. ft. <br /> = C.Retail: 1 1 j <br /> – General Rata 51 43/gross bog, sq. 8. $i.49/gross bldg. sq. ft. <br /> – Personal Services 51.98/gross bldg. sq. 8 52.06/gross bldg. sq. h. <br /> D. Restaurants ENR DFSI FACTOR • 1,040726 <br /> –Oualily Restaurants 52.88/gross bldg. sq. 8 52.79/gross bldg. sq. ft. <br /> –AD Other Restaurants 54.57/gross bldg. sq. 8 P.78/gross bldg. sq. ft. <br /> E. Financial Services 510.18 /gross bldg. sq. 8 510.591gross bldg. sq. h. <br /> F. NoteUMotel 5524.83 /morn 5545.981room I <br /> G. Industrial: I I <br /> – General 50.76 /gross bldg. sq. ti 50.79 /gross bldg. sq. ft. <br /> – Mud - warehouse 50.17 /gross bldg. sq. fL 50.18/gross bldg. sq. h. <br /> – Service Station 52.100,93 /station 52, f86,44/srotion <br /> (1) Direct Costs: Hourly personnel charge plus e factor 0133% for benefits, 54% for indirect overhead charges and 87% for staff support chergos. <br /> (2) This fee is reviewed in February of each year to determine it adjustment is required based on Mangos In No Construction Cost Index as shown In the "Engineering News Record." <br /> (3) Marina/ Interstate 8801mpect Foos pertain ro a certain zone In the Chy - Please contact Engineering a Transportation Department for complete map <br /> • <br /> • <br /> a19UDGET2011.12Fen17e12 Proposed Feea Mme SchaN. em 22 4272011 <br />