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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br /> TITLE B Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2012 PROPOSED FEES <br /> g 0.4.100: FEES. The following foes have been established by the City Council pursuant to various provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Codo (SLMC), San Leandro Administrative Codo (SLAG) or the general laws of the Slate of California. <br /> Descrlp0on 1 Current Fee 'Reference FY 2011.12 Proposed Foos <br /> FINANCE DEPARTMENT <br /> 1 Business License Related Fees: SLMC 2.2525 <br /> A. Duptrata License No Charge <br /> 8. Business License Listing 81,01apsee (1n, 1500: max 15 <br /> C. Business License Venfkati0n 1500 written rssconse (businesses only) <br /> D. Adnnuseative Fee for Business License Changes 350 SLMC 2.2-520 <br /> 2 Permits: SLMC 45.210 <br /> A. Marina Shoreline Peddlers (Ice Cream Vendors Orly) <br /> — New and Renewal $100 Mantua <br /> B. Peddler5Shcator. <br /> — New 825,00 pass State leo <br /> — Renewal 825.00 <br /> C. Itinerant Merchant <br /> — New 325.00 plus State lee <br /> — Renewal 825.00 <br /> D. Used Vehicle Dealers 350.00 SLMC 4-7.210 <br /> E. Amusement Device Machines 350.00hnatine SLMC 45305 <br /> F. Bingo No14 r- Prowl: SLMC 4- 25.225 <br /> — New Business License Base Foe <br /> — Renewal Business License Base Fee <br /> 3 Parking Space Rental SLAC 6-4-100 <br /> A. Esudao Garage <br /> — Reserved Parting 380.00 <br /> — Unrestricted Parking 355.00 No Change While Under Construction <br /> — Replacement Gate Access Cam 825.001ea. <br /> B, Plaza Lot 355.00 Adding "per month" <br /> C. Callan Ave. Lot 855.00 Adding per month" <br /> D. Hyde Sfleel Lot 355.00 Adding "per month" <br /> E. Temporary Parking: <br /> - Reserved 350,00 per month <br /> - Non-reserved 330,00 per month <br /> Replacement Peking Perna — el areas 325.00/ea. <br /> 4 Dog License SLMC 4- 11.200 <br /> A. Unspayedfunnanerod. 1 yr. 820.00 <br /> B. UnspayetNnneutere0, 3 yr. (1) $10.00 <br /> C. Spayedmeutered, 1 yr. (2) 310.00 <br /> D. Spayeenoulered, 3 yr. (1) (2) 320.00 <br /> E. Penalty: SLMC 4 -11510 <br /> — UnspayodAtnneutered 510.00 <br /> — Spoyedlneutered 310.00 <br /> F. City/County vodtun Caldnn in: Seeing -eye dog or certified hearing dog for physically No Frio <br /> handicapped <br /> G. Duplicate lag 33.00 SLMC 4-11525 <br /> (1) 3 year pot licenses are purchased by pot owners at a reduced foe and. therefore. em not refundable 111 whole or in pan nor will credit be allowed toward Ikensos for other owned pots. <br /> (2) Pot owners presenting a receipt from a Veterinarian Clinic or Pot Hospital for prepayment of a spayed or neutered operation for their pet will be allowed to license their pat at the spay /neuter rate. <br /> 0:M00E1120i t - tfFee12012 Prmmed Fro u.em 9e,e/4.da 73 1,72/2011 <br />