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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br /> TITLE 8, Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2012 PROPOSED FEES <br /> § 6.4.100: FEES, The following fees have been established by the City Council pursuant to various provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Code (SLMC), San Leandro Administrative Code (SLAG) or the general laws of the State of California. <br /> Description 1 Current Foe (Reference FY 2011.12 Proposed Foes <br /> LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT <br /> 4 Meeting Facility Fees (Continued) <br /> OTHER FEES: (Foes ale the same for ell categories) <br /> — Attendant nn Duty $25ae <br /> — Opening/Closing Fee (wren needed) $25Au <br /> — Lialpaty Insurance Few determined to each use, <br /> — San Leandro Pobce Dept. Security Foe determined by anent overtime rates for police personnel. <br /> — Private Vendor Seamy Fee detenninod by anent hourly rates. nature of event. and number of <br /> participants. <br /> — Utifdies Fee determined by average Conant hourly costs. <br /> — Portable Dance Rental $100 <br /> — Meeting Room Damage Deposit 350 • S250. depending upon morn sae <br /> Equipment Rental Fees based on current replacement costs. <br /> CANCELLATION PENALTY: (Rooms) <br /> 11 cancelled more than 90 days prior 10 event: Full refund of deposit and fees, <br /> 11 cancelled between 90 days and 30 days prior to event: Forfeit INI damage deposit. <br /> II cancelled between 30 days and 10 days prior to avant: Forfeit full damage deposit and one half (112)010110011 collected. <br /> • <br /> 11 cancelled less than 10 days prior to event: Forfeit all deposits and fees collected. <br /> G1&lOGE112011 -n 2iFa•s12012 Pmpar.E FM Master &nrM4a.4n 2a 4r27/2011 <br />