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• <br /> SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br /> TITLE 8, Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2012 PROPOSED FEES <br /> g 6.4.100: FEES. The following fees have been established by the City Council pursuant to various provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Code (SLMC), San Leandro Administrative Code (SLAC) or the general laws of the Stale of California. <br /> Description 1 Current Fee ,Reference FY 2011.12 Proposed Foos <br /> POLICE DEPARTMENT <br /> 1 Fingerprint (Lit escan) Fee 025 for residents SLAC 11.4,100 <br /> 050.00 for nonresident <br /> 2 Concealed Weapon Permit SLAC 6,4.100 <br /> A. Background Investigation Foe: <br /> Upon application for license 0150 <br /> Upon issuance of license 590.00 phis State Foe (1) <br /> B. Renewal Fee 550 <br /> 3 Gun Dealers Permit SLAC 6.4.100 <br /> A. New 0150 Plus Slate Fee (1) <br /> B. Renewal 0100 <br /> 4 Firearms Storage Fee 040 per wearm SLAC 6.4.100 <br /> 5 Massage/Actrpunaure Permits SLAC 84.100 <br /> A. New Establishment 5100.00 plus State fee (1) <br /> 8. Renewal Establishment 55000 <br /> C. Masseur1Masseuse/Aarpuncturist Perrot 025.00 - Permit Fee. pus SLMC 4.23 -400 <br /> 032,00 - Fingerprint (Livoscan) 8 Background Chock, pus <br /> 520.00 - Police Dept. Administrative Fee <br /> 8 Semdhand DealersIJunk Dealers/Pawnbrokers SLMC 4,9.230 <br /> A. New 0100.00 plus State foe (1) <br /> B. Renewal 580,00 <br /> 7 Fortuneteting SLMC4.15.210 <br /> A. New 525,00 plus State tee <br /> B. Renewal 525.00 plus State foe <br /> 8 Tosicab <br /> A. Owner Fingerprinl 8 Background Check 032,00 pus 320,00 Police Dept. Administrative Foo SLMC 6-8-215 $176• <br /> B. Driver Permit Application. Annual 52500 - Permit Feo. plus (2) and (3) SLMC 6-8-310 050• I Also please note new footnote (3) <br /> 532,00 - Fingerprint d Background Check, plus <br /> • <br /> 020,00 - Police Dept. Administrative Fee <br /> C. Driver Permit Re-issuance (within 8 mos,) 520.00 SLMC 68340 <br /> 9 Police Reports SLAG 11.2.110 <br /> A. Letter of clearance. verification, 1051 property. etc. 025,00 <br /> B. Creme Analysis 550,00 <br /> C. TroR1 Repots/Police Reports 55.00 (1•10 page report): 0.10 per additional papa 410' <br /> 10 Animal Service Fees SLAC 6.4.100 <br /> A. Animal pickup $40,00/pltlmp s50 per pickup' <br /> B. Veterinarian pickup <br /> - For 1 - 10 512500 <br /> - Over 10 512.50 ea, to max. of 5300.00 <br /> C. Animal Redemption 540,00 <br /> 11 Tape recordings 01 telephone ondior redid oommunicatioru - incident rolatod records for 55000 SLAC 8.4.100 <br /> pudic release <br /> 12 Intoxicated Driver SLAC 6.4.100 <br /> A. Property Damage Actual out of damage to City property <br /> B. Emergency Response 577.00/1v. <br /> 13 Vehicle Release 3160,00 SLAC 6.6.100 0175.00 As per F7nanco Committee recommendation <br /> 14 Vehicle Repossession 315.00 <br /> 15 Vehicle Verification: <br /> - At City Hall 313.00 <br /> - At Home or Business 125.00 <br /> 16 False Alarm RoSponso SLMC 48 .400 <br /> A. Third response within 90 days 375.00 <br /> 8. Fourth and subsequent responses 0175.00 _ <br /> (1) As part of the application process, applicants must undergo a psychologka/ evaluation at a cost of 5150, which shall Do borne by the applkam. <br /> (7) As part of the application process, applicants must submit proof of o current drug test showing negative results and two identical and current passport she color photographs. <br /> .(3) As part of the Polka Department's hrspocdon of taxi cabs, ve.flkadorl of the proposed flag drop rate of 03.00. 32.60 mileage rate and 326.00 wait Iboetour will Do conducted to ensure compliance with SLMC 6.6400 1 <br /> r ' Based on the average 2011 charge of neighboring cities (Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Fromonl, Nayward, Livermore, Newark, Oakland, Pleasanton, Union City, San Leandro and Alameda County) <br /> 01Bl.OGEfl2e11.121Fsn12012 Proposed Fees isms Schedule as 29 412112011 <br />