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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br /> TITLE 8, Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2012 PROPOSED FEES <br /> I 6.4.100: FEES. The following leen have been established by the City Council pursuant 10 various provisions o1 the San Leandro Municipal Coda (SLMC), San Leandro Administrative Code (SLAC) or the general laws of the State of California. <br /> _i Description I Current Fee !Reference FY 2011 - Proposed Foes <br /> POLICE DEPARTMENT , <br /> 23 Parking Citation Fines (Continued) I <br /> — Parking on or biocking a Crosswalk 580.00 CVC 22500(b) <br /> — Parking in front of a driveway 58000 CVC 22500(0) <br /> — Parking on a sidewalk 58000 CVC 22500(1) <br /> — Double Parking 580.00 CVC 22500(11) <br /> — Parking over 18 horn curb 580.00 CVC 22502(a) <br /> — Parking within 15 lead of fire hydrant 580.00 CVC 22514 <br /> — Parking within 7-1/2 feet of r00ro0d track 58000 CVC 22521 ' <br /> — Abandoned velelo 5300.00 CVC 22523(a) <br /> 24 Traffic Control <br /> — Driving over or across newly laid pavement. surfacing. painting 575.00 SLMC 8.1.240 <br /> — Driving over any street barrier. sign. marker for closed street 575.00 SLMC 8.1.245 <br /> — Unatithoreed placement 0f battier or sign 550.00 SLMC 8.1.255 <br /> — Unlawful riding 01 skateboard. roller-skates, coasters, toy vehicles or similar device on 55000 SLMC 8.1.285 <br /> undesignated City Properly <br /> — Unlawful for operator to drive across property not intended for use as 0 pubic right of way 650.00 SLMC 81.285 <br /> as means of effecting shortened route <br /> — Refusal or fakre to comply with Police Officer/Parking Aide's trortic control instructions 5100,00 SLMC 8.1.300 <br /> — Failure 10 remove ignition key from unattended vehiclo 550.00 SLMC 8.1.830 <br /> 25 Commercial Enforcement: . NEW FEE TO COMPLY WITH STATE REGULATIONS AND SLMC I <br /> d. Oversized Vehicle Citation - No Pam* 6100.00 . SLMC 5.1.510 NEW FEE TO COMPLY WITH STATE REGULATIONS AND SLMC ) <br /> b. Overafzod Vohk/e Permit - Annual 520.00 SLMC 5.1.200 NEW FEE TO COMPLY WITH STATE REGULATIONS AND SLMC <br /> & 5.1.225 <br /> b. Oversized Vehkb Ponnh- Tompaary (Shpt Trip Only) 516.00 SLMC 5.1.200 NEW FEE TO COMPLY WITH STATE REGULATIONS AND SLMC <br /> a 5.1.225 <br /> 26 Special Evan00vprs/z,d Loads rvpuhing Polka special services Direct costs (4) NEW FEE TO CAPTURE RESOURCES USED TO ACCOMMODATE <br /> SPECIAL REQUESTS I <br /> POUCE DEPARTMENT - Community Standards DMIIOn I <br /> 1 Second Inspection/Notice of Violation 5110,00 plus Direct Costs (4) SLMC 3.1.100- <br /> 210 <br /> 2 Third InspealoNNotice to Abate or Notice of Pending Citation $110,00 pica Deed Costs (4) <br /> 3 Citation or Administrable Hearing 5325.00 pair Direct Costs (4) <br /> 4 Ean1 Additional Hour 550.00Or. pen Direct Costs (4) <br /> 5 Legal Fees for Administrable Heanngs and Judicial Anions 5110,000x. pills Direct Costs (4) <br /> 8 Storage of Siegal signs 5100 for up t0 4 ninths SLMC 4.13.110 <br /> (4) Direct Costs: Hourly personnel charge plus a factor 0133% for benefits, 14.8% for Indirect ovorlmad charges and 52.2% for staff support charges. <br /> OIStVOET2011 121FeseRe12 Propesed Fees 1432er Srhv4,ie.da 31 1(1712011 <br />