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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br /> TITLE S, Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2012 PROPOSED FEES <br /> g 6.4.100: FEES. The following face have been established by the City Council pursuant to various provisions of (ho San Leandro Municipal Codo (SLMC), San Leandro Administrative Code (SLAG) or the general laws of the Stain of Callfomla. <br /> Description 1 Current Fee (Reference FY 2011.12 Proposed Foos <br /> PUBUC WORKS SERVICES DEPARTMENT — Environmental ServIces Dtvtslon Proposed FY2011 -12 Fees I <br /> 1 Hazardous Materials Storage SLMC 3-3-300 <br /> A. Annual fees fa storage a combustible liquids. corrosives, flammable gases, flammable (2) Quantity Range 1 3 101,00 5102 <br /> tlquds, <br /> flammable 110503, nonflammable gases, organic poroskos. other regulated materials, <br /> osidizers, poisonous gasses. poi,o bus material, (1) <br /> Quantity Range 2 1201.00 5204 <br /> Quantity Range 3 1291.00 5295 <br /> Quantity Rango 41381.00 5386 <br /> Ouontity Range 51478.00 5482 <br /> B. Annual Fees la Storage of Radioactive Materials (1) 1140.00 5142 <br /> C. Aboveground Tank Installation Permit (3) <br /> First Tank 1291.00 5295. <br /> Each Additional 1101.00 5102 <br /> D. APSA Facility Annual Fee <br /> Qualified Facghy (Tier Kier II) New Fee 5125 <br /> Non- Qualinad Facilhy (fug SPCC) New Foo 5220 <br /> 2 Accidental Release Program: Review of RMP try: SLMC 3 -3-300 <br /> _ City Stag $123. OORe. 5125 Increase b0W on CPI 1.419 <br /> Outside consultant Direct Costs plus 10% <br /> Annual Fee 1123.00 5125 <br /> 3 Underground Hazardous Materials Storage SLMC 3 -3-300 <br /> A. Annual Operating Pemtit (4): Each Tank 5108.00 5107 <br /> B. New Tank lnsta0ation (5) <br /> First Tank 1806.00 5817 <br /> Each Additional 119800 5199 <br /> C. Tank Removal. Repair, Alterations (6) <br /> First Tank 1392.00 5397 <br /> Each Additional 1196.00 5199 <br /> D. Meta Repairs and Alterations 1123.008,,. 5025 <br /> 4 Contaminated Site Cleanup Program <br /> A. Oversight el Remedial Investigations end Actions <br /> City Staff 0123.000,,. 5125 - <br /> OutSlde Consultant Direct Costs plus 10% <br /> U Includes permit process ing and two Inspections annually (one annual and ono rn- Inspection) for compliance with No Uniform Pro Cods, rovlow of coo HMSO', and review of all emergency 'capons* plans <br /> (2) Quantity Range 1 Lase then or equal to 500 pounds, 55 gallons, or 2,000 cub /c root a S7P. <br /> Quantity Range 2 Greeter than 500 pounds, 55 gallons, or 2.000 ruble foal at STP, but loss than or equal to 5.000 pounds, 550 gallons or 20.000 cubic bet at STP, rospecllvely. <br /> Quantity Range 3 Greater than 5,000 pounds, 550 gallons. or 20,000 cublc fact at STP, but loss than or equal to 50,000 pounds, 5,500 gallons or 200,000 cubic foot et STP, rospecdvoly. <br /> Ouanthy Range 4 Greater than 50,000 pounds, 5,500 gallons, or 200,000 cubic foot at STP, but lass than or equal to 500,000 pounds, 55,000 gallons, or 2000,000 cubic foot at STP, respectively. <br /> Quantity Rango 5 Greater man 500,000 pounds, 58000 gallons, or 2,000,000 cubic loot at STP. <br /> (3) lncludos plan review, geld inspections, and permit processing. Timo for Inspections is two hours for No first bank and ono hour oath addhional tank. Add1UOna1 inspections will be charged at coo current hourly rate. <br /> (4) Includes ponnh processing and two inspections annually (one annual and ono ro- Inspection) for compliance with applicable federal and state underground tank and/or hazardous waste laws and regulations and/or coo Uniform Flro Codo. Additional <br /> Inspections will be charged at the current hourly fto. <br /> (5) Includes plan miaow, geld inspections, and permit processing. Tiro for inspections is four hours for coo first tank and two hours each addh/onal tank. Additional Inspections will be charged at the currant hourly rata. <br /> Includes plan reviews, gold Inspections and permit processing. Timo for Inspections Is two hours for the first tank and two hours each additional tank. Additional Insectidns will be charged at coo current hourly rate. <br /> 04131/3GET12011.1AFees12012 propose Fax Mele Sd,.OM.av 34 • 4R7d01, <br />