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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br /> TITLE 8, Chapter 4 FISCAL. YEAR 2012 PROPOSED FEES <br /> 4 6.4.100: FEES. The following foes have been established by the City Council pursuant to various provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Code (SLMC), San Leandro Administrative Code (SLAG) or the general laws of the Stale of Cailfomia. <br /> Description 1 Current Fee !Reference FY 2011 -12 Proposed Foos <br /> PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DEPARTMENT - Environmental Services Division Proposed FY2011 -12 Foos <br /> 11 Wastewater Pretreatment (Continued) <br /> C. Como8a1ca Users <br /> Sampling Charge - Per Sample <br /> - Composite Samples 5803.00 5818 <br /> - Grab Samples 5321.00 5330 <br /> Lab Analysis <br /> Perrin Fee (Triennial) 5728.00 <br /> D. Violation Follow -Up <br /> - Composite Samples 51,224.00 S1,111 <br /> - Grab Samples 5835.00 5847 <br /> - Other Analyses Cost • 10% <br /> E. Special Discharge Permit (Annual) 5728.03 <br /> 12 Mlsco0aneous Services <br /> A. Site Visits (No Sampling) 5248.00 5250 <br /> B. City Staff 512300 per hour 5115 <br /> C. Pollution Prevention Permit (6) _5185.00 per year SLMC 3-14-520_ 5187 <br /> D. Food Facility Stomlwater inspection Fee New Fee 5161 <br /> (8) Permit Foos may be lowered or waived it applicant files and complied with a Best Management Practices (BMP) Plan. <br /> PUBLIC WORKS - WASTE WATER DISCHARGE FEES Proposed FY2011 -12 Fees <br /> 1 Monthly User Charges <br /> A. For Classification A Users (Residential): <br /> • Single - Family Unit 52760 Each 528.97 Each <br /> • Multiple.Farnily Unit 519.59 Each $20.56 Each <br /> B. For Classification B Users (Commercial 8 Institutional): <br /> Commercial: <br /> Auto Services 58.36/100 cubic feel 56,67,100 cubic fool <br /> Bakery. Wholesale 55.231100 cubic feel $5.49/100 cubic foal <br /> Laundries 53.701100 attic feel 53.68/100 cubic teal <br /> Markets/Foods 58.241100 cubic feel 58.55,100 cubic feet <br /> Mixed Use 5542/100 cubic feet 55.69/100 cubic teal <br /> Restaurants 55.86/100 cubic feel 56.151100 cubic loot <br /> All Other 53.041100 cubic feel 53.19/100 cubic fool <br /> institutional: <br /> Schools 52.50/100 cubic feet 51.62/100 cubic foot <br /> C. For Classification C Users (IndusWal 8 Omer Large Users): <br /> Loading Charge - based on the total discharge volumes for the billing period. <br /> Connection 54.63 each $1.87 Each <br /> Volume 52.529.00/milion gallons $2,653.O0tmillfon gallons <br /> BOD (Biochemical oxygen demand) 5338.00Mousand pounds 5355.00hhousand pounds <br /> SS (Suspended solids) 5563.00/thousand pounds $591.00 /thousand pounds <br /> 2 Connection Fees <br /> Dwelling units: <br /> • Segle. Family Unit 5366000 each 53,770.00 Each <br /> • Muttipla- Family Unit 53,080,00 each 53,150.00 Each <br /> Converting an existing apartment building to condominium units 5160.00 Per Unit <br /> Non-residential users shall loo assessed connection fees based on the estimated overage <br /> day of their peek month 0scharge according 10 the unit cost schedule below. • <br /> Volume 518.94 /gallons per day $17.44/gallons per day <br /> BOD (Biochemical oxygen demand) 5892.56/pounds per day 5713.361p0urds per day <br /> SS (Suspended so0d,) 5784.05/ pounds per day 5817.87 /pounds per day <br /> A connection foe adjustment shell be made et the end of one year of service for all non. <br /> residential users to reflect the actual wastewater discharge based on monitored wastewater <br /> discharged or metered water usage adjusted for volume not discharged to the sanitary <br /> sewer system. If the estimated wastewater discharge Is low, an additional connec0on fee <br /> shall be assessed. If the estimated wastewater discharge i5 high, the City shag issue 0 <br /> refund to the user. <br /> d.191OGE1120t 1.12Fees12012 Pnpne4 Fen Mater Sd,ee,le.nsi 38 407/2011 <br />