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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br /> TITLE 8, Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2012 PROPOSED FEES <br /> g 8.4.100: FEES. The following lees have been established by the City Council pursuant to various provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Code (SLMC), San Leandro Administrative Code (SLAC) or the general laws of the State of California. <br /> Description 1 Current Fee (Reference FY 2011 -12 Proposed Fees <br /> COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Building Regulations Division _ <br /> 2 Building Permit (Continued) <br /> C. Solomto Dish Antenna 9132.00 9134.00 Based on CPI <br /> D. Mkdr Kitchen Remodel Permit a. Single )otthen or bath remodel (perms: to include electrical. plumbing, a.Singla kitchen or bath remodel (permit t0 include el0017k9l, plumbing, mechanical <br /> mechanical v8nmga500 aria eppfancos) 9331.00 vomllation and appliances) 9338.00 <br /> (Limited to work without framing charges.) O. Additional bath remodel when COO:W rat wan kite en or bath remodel b. Additional bath remodel when concurrent with kitchen or bath remodel within the same <br /> within the same structure 800 at same time 9137.00 stUCturs end et same time 9139.00 <br /> E. Plan ChecNtg <br /> Plan chasing fee shah be paid at the time of application fora budding permit. The pion <br /> cresting fee 4 In addition to the building permit fee and shall be as follows. <br /> (1) Residential Fire Sprimeers for 1 & 2 Family Dwelling New Conswcicn $450,00 Oat fee to include plan review and impaction of residential 4o 9456,00 flat roe to Include plan review and inspection of residential Ore sprinkler systems <br /> Effective January 1. 2011, Om sprinkler systems become mandatory In 1 and 2 sprinkler systems when installed in conjunction w8h now 1 8 2 family when Installed in conjunction with now 1 5 2 family dwelling construction. <br /> family dwellings. The Division of Building and Safety will be reviewing and dwelling construction. <br /> Inspecting the installation of 01050 systems. <br /> (2) In4duso- Dumno Reaulor VJorki Hours 80% of the Wading pored fee <br /> For Masser Plans (i.e. identical buildings built by th0 mono bfnldor on the A lull plan Necking fee Shall be paid for Ouch Master Plan wren m ins dun One <br /> soma of Or In the same Vila end for which building permits aro issues at the d wit Lie dull and one hall (50%) of ma tag plan check fee shoo be paid <br /> same time!: for oath building at Lime of application. <br /> Changes, revisions, a Oddh80n5 t9 pans pr0viousy checked. Otrec Cost(:) - 1 lour minimum charge <br /> Outside plan checkup services as utilized at discretion of Building Om0el. Same as for In- house - pogga Re0Ular Waking Hours <br /> Additional PWr1 Review after the Brs1 recheck New Foe Direct Cost (1) - 1 hour minimum per occumnce <br /> (3) In-house • Outside of Normal Business Hours When Requested by Applicant Same as for )n- Musa - Dunne Reader Wiring Maas PLUS overtime and <br /> 0VOr,080 charges <br /> (4) gy Outside Consultant When Requested by Aops0Om Equal to In -house - Durvma Reoular 1Nerkhg Hour PLUS Consultant's fee <br /> as established by Agreement (contract) between City and Consultant <br /> (5) civet the Counter for Small CMrares Revisions of A9d4ions When Requested ay Direct Cost (I), with minimum of one•hatt hour <br /> Appe and <br /> (6) Expedited Plan Check when Requested by Applicant and when Pon Reviewer 4 Fug plan smack fee pus one and ono -hall times Direct Cost(1) <br /> Available <br /> (7) Phased Wan check- when the foundation or another pan of the budding roods approval One and One-half (1 -12) times the tug pan check lee for the entire <br /> and permit issuance prior t0 the Vida building buidug <br /> (8) Alternate Methods and Materiels Direct cost (1) 1 hour minimum charge <br /> (9) Enelav Conservation: foal bwklugs subject to the California Energy Commission's 20% of BuOaing Permits <br /> conservation re9taat lS <br /> (10) Acoessibil(ty: (per SB 1608 and health and Safety Coda diction 16949.29) for 00 Multi- 5% of Building Permit Fee - Fee replaces prior - Accessibility' loo and u Revised tern (10) California Neaten 8, Safety Coda, 5% of Bolding Pemnh Fee - For <br /> lamty, Cpmmerdal, and Industrial buildups subject to Ma Salto of California. Division of the increased to 5% to oft-sat increased costs of training and continuing section 18949,29 foe applied to e0 training mei continuing education <br /> Slate Architect (OSA) and Dep8nm0nt of Housing and Community Development (11CD) education for Tita 24 Enforcement projects requiring o 'Building Potwar. required by Um California Health and <br /> Accos0bisty rogu4uona. Safety Code, 5.OUorr 18949. <br /> (1) Direct Cost • hourly personnel 0hergo plus a tat tor Of 10014 for hinge benefits, Overhead and Indirect costs I L J <br /> 01a008112011.12Waos\2012 Pm:os073 FM waver 50K11114.m. 7 a2W2Os <br />