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8A Consent 2011 0516
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Agenda Packets
Packet 2011 0516
8A Consent 2011 0516
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5/12/2011 5:18:26 PM
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5/12/2011 5:18:11 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Draft Minutes
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DRAFT MINUTES Page 11 <br />Cite of San Leandro Cite Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting — May 2, 2011 <br />Councilmember Cutter reported that she attended the StopWaste.Org meeting on April 27 <br />She expressed confusion about the process for approval of the Committee highlights and <br />recommendations, noting that there were changes to the Finance Committee's <br />recommendations. Mr. Hollister pointed out that the Finance Committee recommendations <br />did not follow the usual process and timeline, since the fee adjustments were also on tonight's <br />agenda for consideration. <br />Councilmember Starosciak congratulated incoming Vice Mayor Gregory, and thanked <br />outgoing Vice Mayor Reed for her service. She expressed support for the blue ribbon week <br />idea proposed by speaker Pam Richards. Councilmember Starosciak reported that she <br />attended the Alameda County Transportation Commission meeting; and the CTTIPAC <br />fundraiser bocce ball tournament. She announced the League of California Cities' Legislative <br />Action Days from May 18 to 20 and the East Bay Division dinner on May 26 <br />Councilmember Starosciak commented on the city's homeowners associations and their <br />support for local schools. <br />Councilmember Souza thanked the students in the audience for attending tonight's meeting. <br />She reported that she attended the Town Hall meeting on the City Manager recruitment, <br />which she and Mayor Cassidy hosted; the Arts Education Center dedication; and the Arbor <br />Day tree planting at McKinley School. Councilmember Souza thanked Vice Mayor Reed for <br />her service. She reported that the San Lorenzo Unified School District is in the process of <br />renovating both of its high school fields, and that this year's Leadership San Leandro class <br />will raise fiends for Building Futures with Women and Children. <br />Vice Mayor Gregory reported that he attended the Downtown Farmers Market on April 20 <br />He encouraged everyone to attend upcoming performances at the Arts Education Center, and <br />to participate in the Bike SL event on May 15 Vice Mayor Gregory commented on a recent <br />New York Times article on Somerville, Massachusetts, which introduced a "happiness <br />quotient" into its census. He thanked former Vice Mayor Reed for her service, and thanked <br />his colleagues for their confidence in him. <br />Mayor Cassidy announced a rally tomorrow in support of public education at San Leandro <br />High School. <br />There was consensus from the Council to refer the following items to a City Council <br />Committee: meeting room fees for homeowners associations and non - profit groups, and <br />examination of the housing assistance program, to the Finance Committee; and consideration <br />for posting the City Manager's Weekly Update on the City website to the Rules and <br />Communications Committee. <br />There was no consensus at this time to refer consideration of a medallion system for taxicabs. <br />Mayor Cassidy suggested referring the following items to staff: determining the appropriate <br />recognition for the Alta Mira Club, and determining appropriate activities to promote <br />National Police Appreciation Week. <br />Mayor Cassidy reported that he attended the Arts Education Center ribbon cutting; the Easter <br />egg hunt; the San Leandro Sports Foundation Run for Fitness event at Marina Park; the <br />
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