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ACTC I- 880 /Davis St- Westgate Pkwy Interchange 2 May 16, 201 I <br /> Portions of the 1- 880 /Davis Street - Westgate Parkway Interchange work are a part of the <br /> Westgate Parkway Extension project, which is included in the Alameda County Transportation <br /> Improvement Authority (ACTIA) Measure B program as Project 18B. The objective of the <br /> ACTIA project is to improve traffic operations and reduce congestion on Davis Street by adding <br /> a lane of traffic in each direction on Davis Street between the 1 -880 off -ramp and Timothy Drive. <br /> The construction of this work is to be coordinated with the 1 -880 HOV Lane project. <br /> The original scope of work for Westgate Parkway Extension was to provide north -south access <br /> and capacity between Davis Street and Marina Boulevard west of I -880 through a direct <br /> connection from Williams Street to Davis Street. Under consideration for traffic operations on <br /> Davis Street between the 1 -880 Southbound Off-ramp and Timothy Drive was the requirement to <br /> close the Timothy Drive access to Westgate Parkway. However, this proposed alignment was <br /> rejected by both the Timothy neighborhood (perceived neighborhood access constraints) and <br /> Caltrans (current Caltrans standards for alignment of local streets and off - ramps). The southem <br /> portion of Westgate Parkway Extension, which links the Westgate Shopping Center to Williams <br /> Street, was completed as Phase 1 (ACTIA Project 18A) of this project. As expected, this <br /> connection has provided tremendous traffic relief to the Davis Street entrance to the shopping <br /> center. <br /> As an alternative to the direct connection of Westgate Parkway to Davis Street, it was decided to <br /> add one lane in each direction of travel on Davis Street from the 1 -880 southbound off -ramp to <br /> Davis Street - Timothy Drive /Warden Avenue. The lane widening will provide additional capacity <br /> to relieve the traffic bottle -neck between the southbound 1 -880 off -ramp and Beecher Street. In <br /> addition, a pedestrian bridge was proposed to enhance safety and traffic signal efficiency at the <br /> intersection of Davis Street and Timothy Drive /Warden Avenue. Prior to embarking on the <br /> design of the pedestrian bridge; however, staff sent out a survey to the residents of the Davis West <br /> neighborhood to determine the level of interest in a pedestrian bridge. A total of 98 surveys were <br /> sent out. Only 11 residents replied to the survey. An analysis of the results indicated that seven of <br /> the residents favored the proposed pedestrian bridge. Four residents did not support the bridge <br /> based on the extended travel distance required and pedestrian safety while crossing Timothy Drive <br /> to get to the shopping center. This group suggested that the money be moved to other uses in the <br /> city. The strongest resistance to the bridge came from residents who live closest to the proposed <br /> bridge site. Based upon this feedback it was decided not to proceed with the pedestrian bridge. <br /> ACTC, ACTIA, Alameda County (County), the City of Hayward and the City of San Leandro <br /> recently completed a study identifying and prioritizing improvements for 1 -880 in central <br /> Alameda County. The I- 880/Davis Street - Westgate Parkway Interchange project is one of the <br /> projects reviewed in the study. The study preliminarily estimated the design and construction <br /> cost for the entire interchange. <br /> An a lvsis <br /> The 1 -880 I -IOV lane project requires reconstruction of the Davis Street Overcrossing, but does <br /> not provide for the improvements to the interchange. The City's desired improvements to the <br /> interchange include: lane configuration changes; traffic signals; bridge lighting; and other <br />