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ACTC I- 880 /Davis St- Westgate Pkwy Interchange 3 May 16, 2011 <br /> associated features that are .necessary to accommodate existing and future development in the <br /> area. The main feature of the City's desired work is the addition of one travel lane in each <br /> direction from the 1 -880 southbound off -ramp to the Warden Avenue - Timothy Drive <br /> intersection. The addition of the travel lane will improve the traffic performance in this area, <br /> reducing congestion at the Davis Street/Warden Avenue- Timothy Drive intersection. <br /> The estimated cost for the City's desired improvements to the interchange is approximately <br /> $1.149 million dollars. Funding to complete all of the proposed improvements will come from <br /> several sources including $549,000 from Federal Earmarks and $600,000 from remaining <br /> Measure B Westgate Parkway Project funds. Funding for the HOV lane project is being <br /> primarily financed by the Corridor Mobility Improvement Program of the approved State <br /> Infrastructure Bond Program (Proposition 1B). Additionally, the City and ACTC have worked <br /> together to secure and use Transportation Enhancement funds for aesthetic enhancements for the <br /> Davis and Marina Interchanges. These funds will be used to fund the design portion. As the <br /> project progresses, additional funds from this source will be solicited for construction. <br /> The ACTC and the City recognize that there are inherent benefits to coordinating the HOV lane <br /> and interchange projects. The benefits include a robust funding plan that will efficiently use and <br /> leverage funding and greater coordination of environmental review, design and construction; <br /> providing economies of scale for a reduced overall project cost. This MOU is being prepared to <br /> detail the understandings between the City and ACTC. The ACTC will agree to complete the <br /> design, environmental clearance and construction of the City's desired interchange <br /> improvements. The City will agree to release for use on the project the Federal Earmark funds, <br /> collaborate on the Federal Transportation Enhancement funds and make available as required <br /> additional funding from the Measure B Westgate Parkway project. <br /> Previous City Council Action(s) <br /> • On May 19, 2008 by Resolution No. 2008 -054, the City Council authorized the City <br /> Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of San Leandro <br /> and the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency relating to the Interstate <br /> 880 /Marina Boulevard Interchange Project <br /> • On April 7, 2008 by Resolution No. 2008 -036, the City Council authorized the City Manager <br /> to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of San Leandro and Kaiser <br /> Permanente relating to the Interstate 880/Marina Boulevard Interchange Project and the <br /> Medical - Retail Complex <br /> • On July 30, 2007 by Resolution No. 2007 -107, the City Council approved a contractual <br /> services agreement between the City of San Leandro and EIP Associates, a division of <br /> PBS &J, to prepare the environmental impact report for ICI Development's retail and mixed - <br /> use residential development in San Leandro <br /> City Council Committee Review and Action <br /> Presented to the City Council Facilities and Transportation Committee on December 12, 2007. <br />