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WHEREAS, the aesthetic improvements will be funded by Federal Transportation Enhancement <br /> funds, with additional funding to be determined by the Parties. The estimated costs of the aesthetic <br /> improvements are yet to be determined. No monies have been committed or are committed by the Parties <br /> by execution of this MOU; and <br /> WHEREAS, the COSL and ACTC have agreed that it is in the best interests of the County and <br /> the COSL that the ACTC will serve as the project manager of the Interchange and Westgate/Davis Street <br /> Improvements to coordinate the final planning, design, environmental and construction with the FIOV <br /> Lane Improvements; and <br /> WHEREAS, the ACTC has completed a cooperative agreement with Caltrans to obtain the <br /> Federal funds to be used to complete the design of the Interchange and Westgate /Davis Street <br /> Improvements; and <br /> WHEREAS, the ACTC has submitted the necessary applications to use Transportation <br /> Enhancement funds for aesthetic enhancements for the Davis and Marina Interchanges, and the approvals <br /> of those applications are considered forthcoming. <br /> NOW THEREFORE, the Parties mutually understand and agree to the following: <br /> SECTION I <br /> - The Recitals above are true, correct and made a part hereof. <br /> Section II <br /> COSL: <br /> - Authorizes ACTC to immediately utilize the Federal funds available for the Project subject to approval <br /> of this MOU by the City Council of the COSL and the Board of the ACTC. <br /> - Permits ACTC to obtain reimbursements from the Federal funds available for the Project of all costs <br /> incurred toward the Project's design from the date of completion of the cooperative agreement with <br /> Caltrans. <br /> - Will assign a project coordinator to act as a liaison to ACTC staff. <br /> - Will provide traffic data sufficient to complete the design of the Davis Interchange. <br /> - Will coordinate, at the time of receipt of construction bids for the Project, with the Alameda County <br /> Transportation Improvement Authority (ACTIA) to make the Measure B funds available to the ACTC of <br /> approximately $600,000. <br /> SECTION III <br />