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East 14 Street Striping and Pedestrian Improvements <br /> Acceptance of Work 2 May 16, 2011 <br /> The project also included the installation of a roundabout at the intersection of San Leandro <br /> Boulevard, Park Street, West Broadmoor Boulevard and Apricot Street. The previous large <br /> asphalt road area created by the intersection of these streets created driver confusion, leading to a <br /> high collision rate. The installation of new striping, delineators, and appropriate signage that <br /> created a roundabout will redirect vehicles entering the intersection into a circular traffic pattern <br /> to eliminate the prior existing conflicts. Including the semi - roundabout work with the striping <br /> project created a more efficient construction project and reduced costs. <br /> Analysis <br /> A construction contract was awarded to Chrisp Company on January 18, 2011 in the amount of <br /> $118,255. Construction began on April 10, 2011. Construction and punch list work was <br /> completed on May 10, 2011. <br /> Previous City Council Action(s) <br /> • On May 1, 2006, by Resolution No. 2006 -046, the City Council approved the new roadway <br /> configuration plan for East 14 Street between Davis Street and Durant Avenue <br /> • On September 7, 2010, by Resolution No. 2010 -115, City Council approved the plans and <br /> specifications and called for bids for the subject project <br /> • On January 18, 2011, by Resolution No 2011 -009, City Council awarded the contract to <br /> Chrisp Company <br /> Applicable General Plan Policy <br /> • Policy 16.02 — Level of Service — Use Level of Service (LOS) "D" as the minimum <br /> acceptable service standard for streets and intersections, except as otherwise indicated in the <br /> Transportation Element <br /> • Policy 16.03 — Maintenance — Regularly maintain City streets and traffic control devices to <br /> ensure that streets operate safely and efficiently <br /> • Policy 16.04 — Traffic Flow Improvements — Use a variety of measures to improve traffic <br /> flow at congested intersections, including technologically advanced tools such as signal <br /> timing and video monitoring <br /> • Policy 18.02 — Capital Improvements — [dentify capital improvements and other measures <br /> that improve the safety of bicyclists, pedestrians, and motor vehicles on San Leandro streets <br /> • Policy 18.05 — Funding — Pursue grants for the improvement of pedestrian, bicycle, and <br /> motor vehicle safety <br /> • Policy 19.01 — Street and Building Design — Promote the design of streets and buildings that <br /> make San Leandro's streets more attractive and inviting for pedestrians, bicyclists, and public <br /> transit users. New development should promote the use of these modes of transportation by <br /> including amenities such as sidewalks, bike lockers, and bus shelters <br /> • Policy 20.05 — Coordination with Caltrans — Coordinate local transportation planning <br /> programs and improvement projects with Caltrans. Integrate the Caltrans' Tier 2 highway <br /> system into the local transportation system to the maximum extent feasible <br />