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FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2011 0412 v2
City Clerk
City Council
Facilities & Transportation Committee
FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2011 0412 v2
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7/20/2012 5:22:49 PM
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5/18/2011 4:18:17 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Committee Highlights
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sewer studies. Uche explained that sewer projects are done every year. Mike Bakaldin <br /> stated that certain segments of the sewer system are videotaped and reviewed. Based on <br /> issues, projects are identified. It is a systematic process. Approximately 12 miles per <br /> year are videotaped and reviewed. <br /> Steve Hollister explained the proposed financing options. He stated that the City is <br /> willing to carry financing for longer periods of time to lower payments with a low <br /> interest rate for property owners. He stated that this is a health and safety issue that needs <br /> to be addressed. <br /> Councilmember Souza asked if staff is asking for confirmation from all property owners <br /> or can work be completed one at a time. Uche explained that the objective is for property <br /> owners to identify where they want the line dropped, and the contractor will come out <br /> and do the work at one tinge. <br /> 3. Discussion Regarding Project Updates <br /> The agenda was changed to better accommodate the residents in attendance. Project <br /> Updates will be discussed at the May 10, 2011 Facilities Committee Meeting. <br /> 4. Public Comments <br /> Councilmember Souza stated that speakers would be given two minutes to speak and <br /> explained that this is an opportunity for comments, but is not forum for questions and <br /> answers. Staff will respond to questions at a later time. <br /> • Frank Hicks stated the crux of the issue is private versus public. If they are public <br /> sewers, Proposition 218 doesn't apply because it's maintenance of public sewers. For <br /> 100 years the sewage going down Dutton Avenue took a right angle turn and traveled <br /> down to Broadmoor. That is the sewer that the City is abandoning. The sewer is <br /> identified in Uche's letter to the City Council as publicly -owned treatment works. <br /> 500 hones throughout the city is a City problem and should be paid for by the City. <br /> • Gwyneth Knowles asked that since the City has more clout than a homeowner, would <br /> it be possible for the contractor who is doing the upper lateral to do the lower lateral <br /> and make it more cost effective. <br /> • Shelley Martin stated that in 2008 she was having sewer issues and received a letter <br /> from the City asking for permission to enter her yard to do the study at no cost to her. <br /> She stated that she didn't hear another word until February 2011, and believes that <br /> more time should be given to homeowners to make this decision as she doesn't <br /> believe the lines will fail any time soon. She is angry that City Council passed the <br /> ordinance in December with no word to homeowners, and feels that the City failed <br /> the homeowners by not providing more information between 2008 and February <br /> 2011. <br /> • George Teebay stated that this issue is a disclosable requirement for anyone with the <br /> sewer line running through their property if they are planning to sell their property. <br />
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