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Resolution No. 2011 -089 <br /> Attachment B <br /> Page 1 of 1 <br /> TDA Article 3 Project Application Form <br /> Fiscal Year of this Claim: 11/12 Applicant: City of San Leandro <br /> Contact person: Keith R. Cooke <br /> Mailing Address: 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 <br /> E -Mail Address: kcooke(alsanleandro.orq Telephone: (510) 577 -3439 <br /> Secondary Contact (in event primary not available) Tara Peterson <br /> E -Mail Address: tpeterson(a sanleandro.orq Telephone: (510) 577 -3432 <br /> Short Title Description of Protect: Citywide Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements 11112 <br /> Amount of claim: $57,689.00 <br /> Functional Description of Project: <br /> Prolect will provide for the design, construction and Inspection of curb ramps, sidewalk bulb-outs, in- pavement lighted crosswalk, pedestrian safety <br /> signage, accessible pedestrian traffic signal equipment and sidewalks at various locations throughout City. <br /> Financial Plan: <br /> List the project elements for which TDA funding is being requested (e.g., planning, environmental, engineering, right -of -way, construction, <br /> inspection, contingency, audit). Use the table below to show the project budget. Include prior and proposed future funding of the project. If the <br /> project is a segment of a larger project, include prior and proposed funding sources for the other segments. <br /> Project Elements: Engineering, Construction and Inspection <br /> Funding Source 1 All Prior FYs 1 Application FY 1 Next FY 1 Following FYs 1 Totals <br /> TDA Article 3 $57,689 $57,689 <br /> list all other sources: <br /> 1. <br /> 2. <br /> 3. <br /> 4. <br /> Totals $57,689 <br /> Project Eligibility: YES ?INO? <br /> A. Has the project been approved by the claimant's goveming body? (If 'NO,' provide the approximate date approval is Yes <br /> anticipated). <br /> B. Has this project previously received TDA Article 3 funding? If 'YES; provide an explanation on a separate page. No <br /> C. For 'bikeways,' does the project meet Caltrans minimum safety design criteria pursuant to Chapter 1000 of the Califomia N/A <br /> Highway Design Manual? (Available on the internet via: http: / / <br /> D. Has the project been reviewed by a Bicycle Advisory Committee? (If "N0," provide an explanation). Yes <br /> E. Has the public availability of the environmental compliance documentation for the project (pursuant to CEQA) been N/A <br /> evidenced by the dated stamping of the document by the county Berk or county recorder? (required only for projects that <br /> indude construction). <br /> F. Will the project be completed before the allocation expires? Enter the anticipated completion date of project (month and Yes <br /> year) June 2013 <br /> G. Have provisions been made by the claimant to maintain the project or facility, or has the claimant arranged for such Yes <br /> maintenance by another agency? (If an agency other than the Claimant is to maintain the facility provide its name: <br /> 1 <br />