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Battenberg explained that the scope of this project, referred to as "Lit San Leandro," is still being <br /> defined and many questions remain. Mr. Kennedy has asked for a 12 month Exclusive <br /> Negotiating Agreement (ENRA) while the City evaluates the project to ensure the City will not <br /> shop this project around while the costs and benefits are being researched. <br /> Battenberg explained that the City has put together a multi- departmental team of City staff to <br /> evaluate Lit San Leandro, however assistance from an industry expert is needed to better <br /> evaluate the feasibility of the project, and assist in determining the value of the conduit. <br /> Additionally, an industry expert can aid the City in developing a broadband policy and strategy <br /> for bringing service to unserved and underserved areas of San Leandro. <br /> Staff spoke to numerous experts in the field and selected three companies to interview. Based <br /> upon interviews and proposals, staff is recommending the Redevelopment Agency enter into a <br /> consultant services agreement not to exceed $45,000 with Steve Blum of Tellus Ventures for <br /> assistance in evaluating Lit San Leandro and in developing a broadband policy and strategy for <br /> our un/underserved areas. <br /> Staff is also recommending that the Business & Housing Development Committee forward the <br /> ENRA with OSlsoft to negotiate a License Agreement for use of City conduit, and the consultant <br /> services agreement with Tellus Ventures to the City Council for review and approval. <br /> The Committee and various members of the public including Mike Katz, Dale Reed, Sonny <br /> Tong, and Gaye Quinn spoke in support of Lit San Leandro as an important business attraction <br /> and retention tool. <br /> Recommendation: <br /> The Committee recommended forwarding the Exclusive Right to Negotiate with OSlsoft and <br /> the Consulting Services Agreement with Tellus Ventures to the City Council for review and <br /> approval. <br /> 2. Discussion of Proposal to Acquire /renovate Lakeside Village Apartments. <br /> Planning Manager Liao informed the Committee that the City has been meeting with a <br /> development team made up of Jackson Square Properties and Standard Property Company who <br /> are in negotiations to purchase and renovate the Lakeside Village Apartments, an 840 unit <br /> apartment building located at 4170 Springlake Drive. The developers will apply for tax- credit <br /> financing to convert the entire apartment complex to affordable /workforce housing. Liao <br /> explained that no approvals are required by the City, and developers have been very courteous in <br /> keeping City staff informed on progress of this project. <br /> The Committee discussed how the developers intended to work with the current residents as the <br /> project was converted to affordable /workforce housing. Jeff Jaegar of Standard Property <br /> Company explained that most of the residents meet the income requirements to continue living in <br /> the apartment complex once it is converted to affordable /workforce housing. Jeff also explained <br />