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2. Review of FY 2012 Alameda County Fire Department Budget for the City of San <br /> Leandro <br /> Alameda County (ALCO) Fire Chief Gilbert presented the FY 2011-12 budget presentation for <br /> fire services. Gilbert provided an overview of the fire department and the origination. As an <br /> entity, ALCO Fire is a dependent fire district, not a true county fire district and does not receive <br /> general fund money; monies that ALCO Fire receives can not be shared with any other county <br /> department. ALCO Fire Department provides services for the following agencies: 6 Alameda <br /> County Unincorporated Area Communities (e.g. Ashland); Cities of San Leandro, Dublin, <br /> Newark, Union City; and both the Lawrence and Livermore Laboratories. All agencies pay <br /> based on a shared cost allocation, e.g. Alameda County pays 30 %, City of San Leandro pays <br /> 20 %, Dublin pays 11%, and all other agencies are proportional. <br /> The City of San Leandro has 5 stations and 7 companies. San Leandro is allocated 63 bodies for <br /> 3 shifts, 0.5 Deputy Marshal, 0.5 Fire Marshal, and repair of apparatus and equipment. By <br /> participated in the shared cost, there is a reduction of overhead and redundancy, thus on overall <br /> savings of 10 %. San Leandro is responsible for payment $17.8 million of the $104.7 million <br /> overall budget. This is not an exact 20% because the City of San Leandro does not participate in <br /> all programs that other jurisdictions participate in. Overall there is a 1.9% increase for the City <br /> • of San Leandro for FY 2011-12, and this does not include the cost of equipment or apparatus <br /> replacement. it is the recommendation of Gilbert to purchase two new engines. <br /> ALCO Firefighters have negotiated a 3 -year contract and there will be no COLA increases. The <br /> budget increase is due several variables, including increase of Workers' Compensation and Risk <br /> Management Insurance, PERS Retirement rates, and medical and dental rate increases. Gilbert <br /> provided an explanation of the pros and cons of providing constant staffing and explained to the <br /> Committee that there is a 5% cost savings to pay overtime vs. hiring more staff. Gilbert also <br /> stated that ALCO Fire anticipates bidding Workers' Compensation to other insurance carriers for <br /> less expensive rates. <br /> Mayor Cassidy asked who oversees rate increases and budget recommendations. Gilbert stated <br /> that there is a committee of several City Managers and County Administrators. Cassidy asked if <br /> there were agencies that have a 2 -year budget as the City of San Leandro anticipates changing to <br /> a 2 -year budget next fiscal year. Gilbert stated that currently the City of Union City does and <br /> they are able to provide them with the necessary information. <br /> Mayor Cassidy requested that Gilbert research peak periods within the City to review the <br /> possibility that staff can be reduced. Gilbert stated that he could, however it would take some <br /> time. Mayor Cassidy requested that Gilbert return to the Finance Committee in September. <br /> Councilmember Gregory inquired on the status of the Operational Center relocation project. <br /> Gilbert stated that the bids were scored and four bids met the criteria. He is only allowed to <br /> negotiate with the #1 scored bid, and currently it is on hold due to a pending appeal. <br /> 3. Discussion Regarding Plan For Possible Future Refinancing Of Public Safety <br /> Retirement Plan Side Fund <br /> Finance Directory Vesely informed the Finance Committee that a RFQ (Request for <br /> Qualifications) has been issued for a Financial Advisor. It is in the best interest of the City to <br /> contract with a Financial Advisor to assist the City with any financing projects that may cone, <br /> e.g. the Public Safety Side Fund and alternative financing to purchase necessary fire equipment. <br />