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Eden Road Underground 2 June 6, 2011 <br /> In addition, PG &E has a program to fund some of the costs to underground utilities known as <br /> Rule 20A. Participation in this program would cover some of the utility undergrounding costs, <br /> reducing the contributions required from other sources. Rule 20A underground conversion <br /> projects are funded by PG &E's ratepayers throughout the city and are intended to underground <br /> existing distribution lines in areas that benefit the "public interest" as defined in four criteria set <br /> by the CPUC. <br /> To include a project in the Rule 20A program, the governing body of the city or county in which <br /> the lines are located must determine, after consultation with the utility company and after holding <br /> public hearings on the subject, that undergrounding is in the general public interest for one or <br /> more of the following reasons: <br /> 1. Such undergrounding will avoid or eliminate an unusually heavy concentration of <br /> overhead lines. <br /> 2. The street, road, or right -of -way is extensively used by the general public and carries a <br /> heavy volume of pedestrian or vehicular traffic. <br /> 3. The street, road, or right -of -way adjoins or passes through a civic area or public <br /> recreation area or an area of unusual scenic interest to the general public. <br /> 4. The street is a General Plan arterial or major collector road, as per the guidelines of the <br /> Governor's Office of Planning and Research. <br /> Analysis <br /> Eden Road meets Rule 20A requirement 3, which states that the streets, roads, or rights -of -way <br /> in the proposed Underground Utility District adjoin or pass through a civic area or public <br /> recreation area or an area of unusual scenic interest to the general public. This area is adjacent to <br /> the Galbraith Golf Course and the proposed location of a bike path brings cyclists to within 700 <br /> feet of Oyster Bay Regional Park, in which the San Francisco Bay Trail passes. <br /> Rule 20A funds can be used for installation of underground electrical transmission lines and <br /> laterals within public rights-of-way. Rule 20A underground utility work on Eden Road is <br /> estimated at 5240,000 and can be funded from the current PG &E allocations. Allocation of <br /> money to this project will reduce the amount available to the next underground utility project. <br /> The City's Rule 20A funds have historically accumulated at approximately $600,000 per year. <br /> PG &E and the CPUC require that certain findings be made to qualify a project for Rule 20A <br /> funds. The attached resolution contains the following statements: <br /> • All existing overhead communication and electric distribution lines in such district shall <br /> be removed <br /> • Each property served from such electric /communication overhead lines shall have <br /> installed, in accordance with the utility company's rules for underground service, all <br /> electrical /communication line changes on the premises necessary to receive service from <br /> underground facilities as soon as it is available <br /> • The authorizing utility companies discontinue and remove their overhead service by <br /> mutually agreed date <br /> • <br />