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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 201.1 - <br /> RESOLUTION TO USE RULE 20A FUNDS ON THE EDEN ROAD IMPROVEMENT <br /> PROJECT FROM DOOLITTLE DRIVE TO DAVIS STREET <br /> Recitals <br /> WHEREAS, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has authorized electric <br /> and telecommunication utilities to convert overhead utility lines and facilities to underground <br /> pursuant to Electric Rule 20 and Telecommunication Rule 32, and <br /> WHEREAS, pursuant to certain criteria, CPUC rules allow participating cities to <br /> establish legislation authorizing the creation of underground utility districts within which <br /> existing overhead electric distribution and telecommunication distribution and service facilities <br /> will be converted to underground; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro has adopted an ordinance authorizing the City <br /> Council to designate areas within which all existing overhead poles, overhead wires and <br /> overhead equipment associated with the distribution of electric power, telecommunication <br /> services and cable television should be removed and replaced with underground wires and <br /> facilities; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Director of the Engineering and Transportation Department for the City <br /> of San Leandro has consulted with the affected public utilities and such utilities have agreed that <br /> the proposed underground conversion district, designated the Underground Utility District on <br /> Eden Road from Doolittle Drive to Davis Street (District), and more particularly_ described in <br /> Exhibit 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, meets the criteria established by <br /> the rules of the CPUC, to wit, that the streets or roads or rights -of -way in the proposed District <br /> adjoins or passes through a civic area or public recreation area or an area of unusual scenic <br /> interest to the general public; and <br /> WHEREAS each year the City of San Leandro is notified by PG &E regarding the <br /> allocation of work credits for conversion of overhead electric distribution lines and facilities to <br /> underground, known as Rule 20A allocations; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Director of the Engineering and Transportation Department for the City, <br /> of San Leandro (City) has consulted with PG &E and determined that the City has accumulated <br /> Rule 20A work credits, or PG &E has agreed that the City may borrow against future credits, <br /> sufficient to complete the proposed overhead conversion project; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro and the affected utilities have agreed by letter that <br /> each utility shall complete the engineering of their respective portion of the District; and <br />