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, at Western Title Insurance Company, 21021 Corsair, <br /> Hayward, California, together with appropriate escrow <br /> instructions. Prior to the closing of the escrow, plaintiff <br /> shall further deposit in the escrow a sum equal to interest in <br /> the amount of SEVENTY -TWO and 13 /100THS DOLLARS ($72.13) for each <br /> day from and including August 1, 1985, to and including the day <br /> upon which the escrow is Fee simple title in and to <br /> Parcel 3A will forthwith vest in plaintiff subject only to the <br /> easements of record of ORA LOMA SANITARY DISTRICT and ALAMEDA <br /> COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT, and free <br /> and discharged of all other claims and liens of every kind <br /> whatsoever upon recordation of the Final Order Of Condemnation <br /> herein. <br /> 8. Plaintiff CITY OF SAN LEANDRO shall forthwith <br /> deliver to defendant UNITED ARTISTS COMMUNICATIONS, INC., a <br /> quitclaim deed to Parcel 3B. <br /> 9. That the real property taxes, including any <br /> delinquencies, costs and interest, if any, shall be prorated (in <br /> accordance with Revenue and Taxation Code § 4986) as of June 11, <br /> 1978, the effective date of the Order of Prejudgment Possession <br /> . served herein, and such portion of said taxes as is attributable <br /> to the period from and after said date be, and the same is <br /> hereby, cancelled, and that the lien for real property taxes, <br /> insofar as they affect the subject parcel, be cancelled, and the <br /> Auditor of the County of Alameda is directed to effect a <br /> separation and proration of said taxes between the subject <br /> property and the larger parcel of which it is a part, and that <br /> the lien for real property taxes, insofar as they affect the <br /> subject property, be cancelled. <br />