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The Committee recommends City Council approval of a three -year contract with Maze and <br />Associates for audit services. <br />5. Discussion Regarding Mayor /Councilmember Compensation and Budget <br />Vesely provided a summary of the Mayor and Coucilmember's personnel and non - personnel <br />budgets. The base salaries vary as the Mayor and Councilmembers have different personal <br />elections, e.g. medical /dental and CalPERS opt out and medical plan size. Councilmembers are <br />considered full -time employees and therefore are entitled to benefits and are eligible to <br />participate in the Deferred Compensation 457 program. Currently five Councilmembers have <br />elected to participate in the CalPERS program and like City employees, the City pays the <br />employer and employee contribution rate of up to 8 %. <br />Staff has reviewed the FY 2010 -11 budgets and projects savings of about $13,000 from the City <br />Council's transportation and training budget allocations. Staff will recommend to Council that <br />the anticipated savings be allocated toward the Eden I &R and Alameda County 2 -1 -1 System. <br />Vesely, at the direction of Mayor Cassidy, provided information to the Committee regarding the <br />options for Councilmembers to contribute their full Ca1PERS retirement plan Employee <br />Contribution (currently paid by the City).. The options are: 1) adopt a council Resolution and <br />submit to CalPERS to identify the entire elected officials group as paying their 8% or 7% <br />employee contributions; 2) a Councilmember may opt out of CalPERS entirely; or 3) a <br />Councilmember may remit an amount equal to the City -paid employee contribution back to the <br />City on a post -tax basis. <br />Mayor Cassidy stated that he would like to recommend that Council agree to pay 100% of the <br />Employee Contribution to the CalPERS plan, as he believes that Council should be the first to <br />enact this policy before asking the bargaining units to consider it. Councilmember Souza <br />requested that more research, including a compensation survey, be done before asking bargaining <br />units to take an 8% cut in pay. Councilmember Souza also indicated that she was more in favor <br />of considering a 10% pay cut to Councilmember salaries rather than payment of the CalPERS <br />Employee Contribution since it would be more equitable. <br />Recommendation to Council <br />The Committee recommends scheduling City Council discussion and consideration of <br />Councilmembers paying 100% of the Employee Contributions for the City's CalPERS retirement <br />plan by identifying the elected officials group as paying their full 8% or 7% employee <br />contributions. <br />6. Discussion Regarding Revenue Enhancement Task Force <br />City Manager Hollister informed the Committee that a Revenue Enhancement Task Force has <br />been establish and consists of Lianne Marshall, Tracy Vesely, Richard Pio Roda, and Michael <br />Bakaldin. The Task Force will look at different options on how to enhance revenue, focusing on <br />the Business License categories and see if certain business can be reclassified. The Task Force <br />will work with the City Attorney to determine what is legal. <br />Mayor Cassidy would like an update of the Task Force's findings at the first Finance Committee <br />meeting in July. <br />7. Public Comments <br />None <br />3 <br />