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8. Committee Member Comments <br />Mayor Cassidy would like to discuss at the next Finance Committee meeting the option of <br />waiving the Business License fee for small businesses and what would be the potential cost. <br />Mayor Cassidy is also very interested in bringing back the Cherry Festival, as it is a big part of <br />the City's history and would like to know the cost associated with the festival and can the <br />personnel budget savings from the Mayor's fund be used. Mayor Cassidy also suggested that we <br />go out to the local business to see if donations can be obtained. Mayor Cassidy would like to this <br />topic to be discussed at the next Finance Committee meeting. <br />Mayor Cassidy also thanked staff for all their hard work for bringing forth a balanced budget. <br />9. Adjourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 a.m. <br />4 <br />