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San Leandro Investment Policy Statement Page 6 of 13 <br />reverse repurchase agreements is 92 days. The proceeds of reverse repurchase <br />transactions must be invested in securities having maturities shorter than or equal to the <br />term of the underlying agreement. Reverse repurchase agreements cannot exceed 20% <br />of the agency portfolio. <br />Passbook Savings Accounts or Time Certificates of Deposit are fixed term, non- <br />negotiable investments which are required to be collateralized 110% by eligible pooled <br />U.S. Government Securities. Promissory notes secured by first mortgages or trust deeds <br />used as collateral require a market value of at least 150% of the amount deposited. There <br />are no portfolio limits. <br />Money Market Mutual Funds consisting of investment securities permitted under <br />Sections 53601 and 53635 of the California Government Code. To be eligible for City <br />investments, companies providing mutual funds shall have either or both of the following: <br />1. The highest rating provided by not less than two of the three largest nationally <br />recognized rating services (NRSO). <br />2. An investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission for not <br />less than five years having investment experience in the underlying securities and with <br />assets under management in excess of $500 million. <br />The purchase price of the shares will not include any commission that these companies <br />may charge and the net asset value of any shares purchased may not fall below the <br />purchase price. Holdings cannot exceed 20% of the agency portfolio. <br />Other Investment Pools — The City will conduct a thorough investigation of investment <br />pools prior to making an investment. To become eligible, an investment pool will provide <br />the following information to the City: <br />♦ A description of eligible securities and a written statement of investment policy and <br />objectives. <br />♦ A description of interest calculation methods, how interest is distributed, and how <br />gains and losses are treated. <br />♦ A description of safekeeping procedures and settlement processes, how often <br />securities are priced, and how often the program is audited. <br />♦ A description of who are eligible to invest in the program and how often, and any <br />limitations on deposits and /or withdrawals. <br />♦ A schedule for receiving statements and portfolio listings. <br />♦ Any policies regarding the use of reserves or retained earnings by the pool. <br />♦ A fee schedule and a description of how and when fees are assessed. <br />♦ Any policies regarding the pool's eligibility for bond proceeds if applicable. <br />