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8M Consent 2011 0620
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2011 0620
8M Consent 2011 0620
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6/24/2011 5:16:17 PM
Creation date
6/16/2011 4:32:03 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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_CC Agenda 2011 0620
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Reso 2011-115
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4. Lessee further agrees that its use of and all work upon or in connection with said real <br />property shall at no time and in no way whatever interfere with the operations of Lessor, and that <br />the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair and use of said picnic grounds and <br />public park use and all work in connection therewith, together with the operation and supervision <br />of said picnic ground and public park use, shall be performed by Lessee at all times to the <br />satisfaction of Lessor. <br />5. Lessee fully understands that Lessor has constructed and is now operating and using <br />upon the adjoining or nearby real property, and will hereafter continue to operate and use thereon, <br />pumping plants, dam, reservoir and spillway and that Lessor may construct and operate and use <br />thereon, pumping plants, dam, reservoir and spillway and that Lessor may construct and operate <br />upon the real property herein described additions or alterations to said pumping plants, dam and <br />other improvements in connection therewith. The rights of the Lessor in and to said real property <br />and the right to construct and operate additions to said pumping plants, dam, spillways, and other <br />structures and improvements to perform or conduct any work or operations of any nature whatever <br />on said real property, shall at all times be paramount to any rights of the Lessee hereunder. <br />Nothing herein contained shall permit Lessee to make any changes in grading or drainage, or to <br />alter or remove trees or existing structures or facilities, or to do any other work of any nature upon <br />the property of Lessor, except maintenance or emergency repairs, without the written consent of <br />Lessor having been first obtained. Lessor reserves the right to perform on the property herein, any <br />work required to maintain the stream bed or to remove trees and such other work as may be <br />necessary. <br />6. Lessee further agrees that said real property shall be used for public picnic grounds <br />and public park purposes only and for no other purpose whatever. In its operations on the said <br />real property, Lessee shall not discriminate against any person because of race, creed, color, sex or <br />national origin. <br />7. The primary means of access to said real property and to the adjacent properties of <br />Lessor are by way of a gate and steel /concrete bridge which has been constructed by Lessor across <br />San Leandro Creek at the end of Estudillo Avenue, and Lessee hereby agrees to promptly repair at <br />its own expense any damage caused to said gate or bridge by the exercise of the rights herein <br />given, and Lessee further agrees to share in the costs of the maintenance of said bridge in <br />proportion to the use which is made of said bridge by Lessee, which the parties agree to be 70% <br />Lessee and 30% Lessor. Except for emergency maintenance work or repairs to said bridge or <br />damage done to same by Lessor, Lessor agrees to submit to Lessee in advance of performance an <br />estimate of the cost of maintenance work proposed to be done upon said bridge and a statement of <br />the estimated amount which shall be payable by Lessee hereunder. <br />S. Lessor reserves the right to approve any changes to said real property and Lessee <br />agrees not to construct or place any improvements upon said picnic grounds or for said public <br />park use without first obtaining written permission from Lessor. Lessee further agrees to maintain <br />in safe operating condition the picnic ground and facilities now existing, or which may be <br />constructed, on said real property and to provide adequate supervision over said picnic ground and <br />public park uses all at the expense of Lessee. Any fencing, signs or guard patrols necessary for <br />protection of the picnic grounds and users will be at the expense of Lessee. Lessee further agrees <br />-2- <br />
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