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PROPOSITION 84 RESOLUTION 2 JUNE 20, 2011 <br />Siempre Verde Park meets the "significant lack of park space" criteria at .35 acres per 1,000 <br />population (determined by the State Parks Community Fact Finder, based on a 1 /2 mile radius <br />from the location of the project). This is the lowest park space per 1,000 population found <br />throughout the city. Another criteria that makes Siempre Verde a good match for this grant is <br />community based planning. Over the years (as early as 2004) the residents have written letters to <br />the Mayor and Council, as well as met with and worked with City staff from the Police, <br />Recreation and Human Services, Engineering and Transportation and Public Works departments <br />in helping to develop and implement strategies to make the park a safe, beautiful, welcoming <br />multi -use park. Their grass roots effort to improve the park over the last several years <br />demonstrates a strong community outreach and input process. In addition, the City held eight <br />public meetings with total attendance of over 250 people who had input into the final design of <br />the Siempre Verde Park improvements which will be re- submitted for the grant. <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />February 1, 2010 City Council approved Resolution No. 2010 -012, authorizing the submittal <br />of the grant application due March, 2010 for the first round of Proposition 84 grant funding. <br />Environmental Review <br />CEQA report completed. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Eight public meetings were held. Please see charts excerpted from the grant application detailing <br />the type, location and attendance of meetings (attachment A). <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The requested amount of the grant is the total cost of the project, $2.9 million. No financial <br />match is required. <br />A ttarhm,-ntc <br />Attachment A — Meeting Charts <br />Attachment B — Conceptual Design of Siempre Verde Park improvements <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends the City Council adopt the resolution to submit a grant application for <br />Proposition 84 funds to improve Siempre Verde Park. <br />G:\cknudtson\Proposition 84 \Staff Report.City Council.prop 84.round two.docx Last revised on 6/13/11 <br />