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DRAFT MINUTES Page 4 <br />Cite of San Leandro Cite Council, San Leandro Parking Authority, San Leandro Public Financing Authority, and San <br />Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting —June 20, 2011 <br />E. Resolution No. 2011 -108 Resolution Amending Guidelines Regarding Council <br />Support for or Opposition to Ballot Measures in the City of San Leandro <br />Councilmembers Handbook (amends the guidelines to include legislation which would <br />directly benefit or impact a significant portion of the community of San Leandro or the <br />City of San Leandro). <br />F. Resolution No. 2011 -109 Resolution Approving Employment Agreement with Interim <br />City Manager Lianne Marshall (provides for an Interim City Manager until a permanent <br />City Manager is appointed). <br />G. Resolution No. 2011 -110 Resolution Approving the Fund Balance Components as <br />Defined in Government Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 54 (GASB 54) <br />(adopts GASB 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions, <br />starting with Fiscal Year 2010 -11). <br />H. Resolution No. 2011 -111 Resolution Approving the City of San Leandro's Investment <br />Policy for Fiscal Year 2011 -12 (provides for annual review and approval of the City's <br />Investment Policy as required by California Government Code Section 53600 et seq., <br />and Section VIII of the San Leandro Investment Policy). <br />L Resolution No. 2011 -112 Resolution Approving a Three -Year Contract for Audit <br />Services with Maze and Associates, a Certified Public Accounting and Consulting Firm, <br />for the Fiscal Years Ending 2010 -11 Through 2012 -13 with an Option to Extend <br />Auditing Services for an Additional Two Fiscal Years, by Written Agreement and at the <br />Option of the City (provides for independent auditing of the City's financial statements, <br />for a total amount not to exceed $55,910 for Fiscal Year 2010 -11, $56,748 for Fiscal <br />Year 2011 -12, and $57,599 for Fiscal Year 2012 -13). <br />J. Resolution No. 2011 -113 Resolution Approving Non - Professional Services Agreement <br />Between the City of San Leandro and MV Transportation, Inc. for Paratransit Services <br />for July 1, 2011 Through June 30, 2012 (provides for a one -year contract in an amount <br />not to exceed $229,874.06, with the option to renew annually for three additional years). <br />K. Resolution No. 2011 -114 Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Submit the <br />Measure B Paratransit Program Application for the Expenditure of Measure B <br />Paratransit Funds in FY 2011 -12 to the Alameda County Transportation Improvement <br />Authority (ACTIA), and to Negotiate and Execute All Documents in Support of These <br />Activities (provides funding for FLEX Shuttle, bus service for seniors and people with <br />disabilities). <br />L. ADOPT: Resolution Approving an Improvement Agreement with Kaiser Foundation <br />Hospitals for Public Improvements on Merced Street and Fairway Drive (provides for <br />the manner in which improvements to the public right -of -way required by the Kaiser <br />Hospital Project at 2500 and 2550 Merced Street are to be made). (Moved to Item 9, <br />Items Removed from Consent Calendar.) <br />