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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> CITY COUNCIL AIRPORT COMMITTEE <br /> JOINT MEETING WITH PORT OF OAKLAND AVIATION COMMITTEE <br /> September 26, 2005 <br /> 12:30 p.m. — 1:30 p.m. <br /> Port of Oakland <br /> 530 Water Street <br /> Oakland, California <br /> Port Board Room <br /> HIGHLIGHTS <br /> Committee Members: Councilmember Grant, Councilmember Santos and Councilmember <br /> Starosciak <br /> City staff present: Assistant City Manager Steve Hollister and Community Relations <br /> Representative Kathy Ornelas <br /> Port of Oakland Members: Commissioners Anthony Batarse, Frank Kiang and Darlene Ayers - <br /> Johnson; Director of Aviation Steve Grossman, plus numerous Port staff <br /> Public present: 1 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 12:45 p.m. by Port Committee Chair Batarse <br /> 1. Airport Master Plan Update Discussion <br /> Port staff was thanked for the presentation made to the City Council at the Work Session on <br /> September 12. It was recommended to the Port that the Master Plan limit flight training <br /> schools at the airport to one. The new Silver State helicopter training school will soon <br /> duplicate the volume of flights generated by the previous training academy. Adding any <br /> more training schools to the airport will certainly have negative impacts on neighboring <br /> communities. <br /> Aviation Director Steve Grossman reported that they are not actively looking to add any <br /> training schools at the airport. Air traffic will naturally limit the volume of training flights <br /> allowed. Additionally, the Port is not designating any more land at the North Field for <br /> training schools. Any expected growth at the North Field will primarily be for corporate <br /> aircraft. <br /> 2. San Leandro Report on Sound Insulation Program <br /> Community Relations Representative Kathy Ornelas provided a status report on the San <br /> Leandro Airport Noise Insulation Program. The Port has given the authorization to go to bid <br /> with the introductory phase to insulate the first ten homes. Advertising for bids will occur in <br /> October, with bid openings in November. Materials will be ordered in November and <br />