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• • <br /> Committee Members and the City Manager discussed that a development strategy for the <br /> properties along the Neptune Drive shoreline might be advisable as a way to reduce noise for <br /> the neighborhood. <br /> Stakeholder Committee members have been asked to review near -term and long -term land use <br /> maps for airport properties. (These will likely be discussed at the Work Session Presentation on <br /> Sept. 12) Stakeholder Committee members have no overall objections to the proposed land -use <br /> maps. Members will maintain the position that the City will not support any development or <br /> airfield improvements that would encourage transfer of traffic from the North Field to the <br /> South Field, and that the City has concerns regarding development that would fill wetlands on <br /> airport property. <br /> Once the Master Plan process has been completed, the Port intends to rely upon the <br /> Stakeholder Committee as an advisory body as projects are developed from the Master Plan. <br /> • Discussion Regarding Status of North and South Field Groups Under Umbrella of Noise <br /> Forum <br /> At the July meeting of the Oakland Airport/Community Noise Management Forum, it was <br /> suggested that the North Field and South Field research groups be incorporated under the <br /> umbrella of the Forum. The advantage would be that the format of the groups as they exist <br /> now would be formalized and remain constant. Group members generally have no objection to <br /> this move as long as both groups continue to have the ability to design their own work plans <br /> and agendas. <br /> • Discussion Regarding Appointment of New Representatives to North and South Field <br /> Groups <br /> This item will be placed on the November 3 agenda for further discussion. <br /> Committee Recommendations <br /> None <br /> 4. Items for Discussion at Joint Airport Committee /Port Aviation Committee Meeting on <br /> September 26. <br /> Committee Members recommended items for discussion include questions about the Airport <br /> Master Plan that may arise following the Sept. 12 Work Session; a presentation by City staff <br /> regarding the status of the noise insulation program; and the request for a report from the Port • <br /> regarding any expansion plans FedEx may have at the airport, as well as a report on the <br /> volume of truck traffic generated by FedEx airport operations. <br /> Committee Recommendations <br /> None <br /> 3 <br />