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• <br /> representatives stated the item on the diagram was only conceptual and detailed review of <br /> such a proposal several years ago indicated ferry access would be impractical and cost <br /> prohibitive. City representatives questioned the need to include such a concept if it was not <br /> practical for future development. <br /> Committee Recommendations <br /> None <br /> 5. Update on Airport Noise Insulation Program <br /> Planning Manager Debbie Pollart distributed the latest timeline for the Airport Noise <br /> Insulation Program. The City is waiting to review plans and specifications for the <br /> construction for the first I 0 homes. The plans should be presented to individual homeowners <br /> this month, and homeowners will be asked to have easements and agreements signed this <br /> month. Ms. Pollart noted that the easements will not be recorded with the County of <br /> Alameda until all work is completed. However, easements must be signed by the <br /> homeowners before work can commence. Advertisement for bids should happen in June and <br /> construction should begin in September. <br /> Committee members asked that the timeline be sent to all of the homeowners who are <br /> registered in the program so they can see what progress is being made. Councilmember <br /> Santos asked when the remaining homeowners will be selected for the program. Staff replied <br /> that the plan is to get the first 10 homes under construction then advertise another lottery to <br /> select the remaining homes. <br /> Councilmember Santos asked that a report cone back at the next meeting regarding the <br /> progress the two School Districts are making on their insulation programs. <br /> Committee Recommendations <br /> None <br /> 6. Public Comments <br /> Francois Gallo commented regarding appointments to committees, study groups, etc. He <br /> feels there should be representation by NAACSL in each group, similar to the representation <br /> by Alameda's CLASS. He is concerned about the transfer of noise from one air field to <br /> another, particularly with the Port's efforts to attract more corporate jet activity to the airport. <br /> If the new noise abatement procedure is adopted, it should be studied to see if there are <br /> alternatives to address noise problems. <br /> Lou Filipovich commented on the FAA act of 1994 regarding stakeholders, as well as the <br /> Interstate Transportation Commission and the elimination of the State PUC. <br /> 3 <br />