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• • <br /> Wafaa Aborashed reviewed how the North Field group got started and how NAACSL has <br /> always been a member. She doesn't see the current Salad One departure procedure being <br /> followed because they are getting many straight -out departures over the Davis West <br /> neighborhood, as well as helicopters, at night. Davis West is very impacted by both the North <br /> and South Fields, and that neighborhood needs to be represented on the North Field Group. <br /> She asked if the Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) could supersede the City and take <br /> the land necessary to build the discussed roadway from Eden Road. (It was clarified that the <br /> ALUC does not have that authority.) She also feels that stage 2 aircraft should be eliminated <br /> — they are disturbing to neighborhoods everywhere. <br /> Harold Perez commented that helicopters are flying all over, disturbing residents through the <br /> night. He related a recent incident when a corporate jet set off car alarms in his <br /> neighborhood. He is concerned about wholes left in walls of homes that are to be insulated <br /> when testing was done for asbestos and lead paint. <br /> John Manuel believes all three Committee members should interview potential citizen <br /> representatives, not just an Ad Hoc Committee. Current representatives to the groups or <br /> committees should be included in the process, and residents of high - impact neighborhoods <br /> should be represented. He suggested Stage 2 aircraft should depart on runway 11 and make <br /> the right turn departure, rather than using runway 29. <br /> 7. Committee Member Comments <br /> Councilmember Starosciak asked to be briefed by staff so she can learn more about airport <br /> issues. That briefing will be arranged. <br /> Councilmember Santos reported on discussions at the Noise Management Forum's efforts to <br /> create a national or regional body to seek reforms to the Airport Noise and Capacity Act <br /> (ANCA). He has gone to N.O.I.S.E., a national organization of cities working to reduce <br /> airport noise. N.O.I.S.E. knows who the congressional leaders are who are also interested in <br /> ANCA reform. He will encourage the Noise Forum to become more involved with <br /> N.O.I.S.E. <br /> 8. Adjourn <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. <br /> 4 <br />