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• <br /> Board of Port Commissioners <br /> Aviation Committee Meeting <br /> April 25, 2005 <br /> Meeting'with City of San Leandro <br /> AGENDA <br /> 1. The Port needs to address the types of aircraft that are flying out of the airport at night <br /> and the need to phase out the louder planes (e.g. MD11's, 727's and DCIO's). <br /> 2. What specific noise mitigation plan will be considered in new master plan? <br /> 3. San Leandro recommends that the next meeting between the two committees be held <br /> on an evening in San Leandro. <br /> Port Staff Report: <br /> 1. For over two years, the Oakland Airport- Community Noise Management Forum <br /> has focused it's efforts on the mitigation of aircraft noise within the City of San <br /> Leandro. The Forum formed the South Field Research Group for that specific <br /> task. The "rolling- start" noise abatement departure procedure has been instituted <br /> as a result of these efforts. The Forum continues to write letters to FedEx <br /> requesting a commitment to an early phase -out of the use of the B727 hush- kitted <br /> aircraft at Oakland Intemational Airport. The Forum leadership has recently met <br /> with Congressman Peter Stark to discuss noise abatement issues at the national <br /> level. The Forum is working with his office to organize a national effort to <br /> legislate the mandatory phase -out of Stage III hush- kitted aircraft from the air <br /> carrier fleets and the mandatory phase -out of Stage I and II corporate jet aircraft. <br /> (See tables below for nighttime aircraft noise levels in San Leandro.) <br /> 2. Environmental issues, including noise, is the topic of the June 30, 2005, <br /> Stakeholder Committee meeting. The Port and its noise consultant, Mestre Greve <br /> Associates, plan to start the technical analyses, including noise modeling and <br /> examining potential mitigations, at the end of April 2005 (technical work has not <br /> started yet). In general, the master plan noise analyses will develop anticipated <br /> noise contours using the master plan 2010 aircraft fleet and flight schedules that <br /> the Port and Committee developed over the last 6 months. In addition to <br /> traditional contours, the Port plans to present general background on aircraft noise <br /> and single event aircraft noise footprints, similar to Figure 3.3 -7 in the SEIR. The <br /> Port and Committee can explore a range of potential noise mitigations, including <br /> sound insulation and sound walls (at the request of one of the Committee <br /> members from San Leandro). <br />