Laserfiche WebLink
• • <br /> • <br /> • <br /> April 25, 2005 <br /> To: Board of Port Commissioners <br /> Aviation Committee • <br /> Fm: Dennis Rosucci <br /> San Leandro Citizen Representative <br /> Aviation Stakeholder Advisory Committee <br /> South Field Research Group • <br /> Re: New Master Plan <br /> Dear Port Aviation Committee Members: <br /> As a San Leandro Citizen Representative, 1 have been asked to respectfully submit the <br /> following questions to you: <br /> • <br /> 1. What specific plans will be included in the new master plan to avoid new <br /> airplane noise problems resulting from the new airport extensions? <br /> 2. What specific noise mitigation plans will be included in the new master plan <br /> to address new airplane noise problems resulting from the new airport <br /> extensions? <br /> 3. What specific plans will be included in the new master plan to encourage a <br /> reduction in the use of noisier aircraft — especially at night? <br /> 4. Why can't some type of noise barrier be erected to, at least partially, reduce <br /> new noise impacts — especially at night — to residents living close to the <br /> • South Field? <br /> 5. What specific mitigation plans will be included in the new master plan to <br /> address new street traffic problems resulting from the new airport extensions? <br /> Thank you for your consideration. <br /> Dennis Rosucci <br /> • <br />