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• • <br /> Committee Member Santos asked if the owners of the 10 pilot homes have been satisfied to <br /> this point. Staff reported that no complaints have been received and the consultants are <br /> working closely with each homeowner. <br /> Committee Recommendations <br /> None <br /> 4. Discussion Regarding Agenda Items for April 25 meeting with the Port of Board <br /> Commissioners Aviation Committee <br /> Committee Member Santos asked that the agenda include a discussion on the types of aircraft <br /> that are flying out of the airport at night and the need to phase out louder planes. <br /> John Jermanis recommended the agenda include a discussion about the next joint meeting <br /> time and location, recalling the discussion at the last meeting where it was recommended a <br /> meeting be held at night so more residents could attend. We are also suggesting the meeting <br /> be held here in San Leandro to make the meeting more accessible. <br /> Staff will send a reminder notice to the Committee members to provide additional agenda <br /> items by the end of the month, particularly if there are any questions to discuss regarding the <br /> Master Plan process. <br /> Committee Recommendations <br /> None <br /> 5. Public Comments <br /> Harold Perez questioned why the insulation program is taking so long. He would like to <br /> meet with some of the owners of the 10 pilot homes to find out if they are satisfied with the <br /> work. He reported there are more planes over his home now because the City allowed the <br /> second Instrument Landing System (ILS) to be installed at the North Field. <br /> John Manuel suggested the pilot homeowners should be invited to a Committee meeting to <br /> share their experiences. He would like to see public notification of the meetings with the <br /> Port's Aviation Committee. He reports that the prime source of noise at night continues to be <br /> the FedEx 727's. Some noise incidents are so loud they are setting off car alarms. FedEx is <br /> not being receptive to changes and he doesn't believe the rolling take -off procedures are <br /> being followed. There were 6 noise events on February 23 that he will be bringing up to the <br /> South Field Group. He would like to see the South Field Group get the same kinds of noise <br /> data the North Field Group is getting. <br /> Jim Matthews announced his retirement as Air Traffic Control Tower Chief as of April 2. <br /> 3 <br />