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• • <br /> feet apart. Because the North Field runways are only 1,000 feet apart, they have to be <br /> considered one runway and separation distances of 3 miles between airplanes will always be <br /> required for instrument arrivals regardless of whether there is one ILS or two. <br /> John Jermanis stated that it is in the City's best interest to make sure the Port's objective in <br /> adding the second ILS is to provide for redundancy of systems and not to set the stage for use <br /> of the North Field by passenger carrier planes. <br /> Committee Recommendations <br /> Committee Members would like a tour of the Air Traffic Control Tower. Staff will make the <br /> arrangements. <br /> 2. Public Comments <br /> Wafaa Aborashed asked why we are just now dealing with these safety issues when the <br /> matter has been in the agreement since 2000. She believes general aviation will grow, <br /> particularly with Alaska Airlines moving out of their facility at the North Field. She believes <br /> it is important to look at the airport's master plan for general aviation and corporate jets. <br /> Harold Perez said he was involved the group that asked to move the ILS from 27R to 27L so <br /> that more flights would go over the industrial areas. He doesn't want a second ILS because <br /> he believes it will bring more traffic to the airport. <br /> Tim Holmes said he would like to see more public process on the ILS issue. He doesn't <br /> believe we should be trading long term noise impacts for items related to beautification. He <br /> doesn't believe the Port is fully forthcoming with their information about the second ILS. <br /> The City should decline the second ILS and look for a second consultant's opinion. <br /> John Manuel recalled that suggestions were given to the City during the negotiations for the <br /> Settlement Agreement that were never considered. He believes a second ILS will lead to <br /> more traffic on North Field if there are taxi way improvements. The abandonment of the <br /> United and Alaska hangars brings the potential for increasing capacity. <br /> Francois Gallo believes the issue of runway capacity does not simply depend on separation of <br /> flights. Other elements of the airfield capabilities come into play. The FAA regulations say <br /> that improved navigational aids, ramps and taxi way improvements can increase capacity. <br /> The 2001 Airfield Study proposed taxi ways that would increase access to the North Field. <br /> Moving the air traffic control tower will add to increased capacity through efficiencies. <br /> Dennis Rosucci interprets the section of the Settlement Agreement that allows the airport to <br /> abandon the San Leandro Runway Use Policy to read that homes in the Davis West and <br /> Timothy Drive neighborhoods will receive sound insulation if the policy it abandoned. <br /> 3 <br />