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• <br /> ITEM 4 <br /> Forum will continue to urge FedEx to phase out these aircraft at Oakland as <br /> quickly as possible. <br /> D. The Committee asks that the rolling take -off departure procedure be <br /> implemented as a standard departure procedure for OAK. <br /> The rolling take -off departure procedure is 'a noise abatement procedure that was <br /> developed by the South Field Group, a working group of the Airport- Community <br /> Noise Forum. It was suggested and implemented by FedEx, with the original <br /> • intent of decreasing "back blast" take -off noise from their 727 departures that <br /> occurred between 2 - 3 a.m. The procedure was tested and found to decrease <br /> • back blast noise levels by approximately 3 decibels. <br /> The South Field Group decided at its September 16, 2004, meeting to ask the <br /> Forum to write a letter to the FM, requesting that they implement a rolling take - <br /> • off departure procedure on South Field between 1 — 5 a.m., when air traffic <br /> allows. The procedure currently is performed by some FedEx departures, and if <br /> the FAA is able to implement it more consistently throughout this nighttime <br /> period, it should help to decrease noise in the San Leandro Marina area. This <br /> matter will be calendared for discussion at the next Forum meeting, currently <br /> scheduled for October 20, 2004. • <br /> • E. The Committee would like a report on the status and progress of the <br /> Airport Development Program. <br /> The Airport development Program is comprised of 17 separate projects across <br /> the entire airport. The status of each component is listed below: <br /> 1. Terminal Expansion <br /> • <br /> A.1 Terminal 1: Two gates have been constructed in Terminal 1. As discussed in <br /> the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report of November 2003, the <br /> construction of additional aircraft gates in the vicinity of Terminal 1 is continuing <br /> to be studied and refined. The Port will rely on the Master Plan process to <br /> determine the final layout of these gates and will then proceed with design. <br /> • Other enhancements have been constructed in Terminal 1 such as additional <br /> restrooms. <br /> A.2 Terminal 2: Expansion and remodeling of Terminal 2 is under construction. <br /> Additional ticketing, baggage claim, and security checkpoint space is under <br /> construction. The concourse extension including five additional, aircraft gates is <br /> also under construction. Completion is scheduled for June 2006. <br /> 2. Landside Access <br /> B.1 Airport Roadway: This project is complete <br />