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• • <br /> SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT <br /> FOR THE AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF <br /> OAKLAND INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT <br /> Background Information: <br /> In response to a California Appellate Court ruling on August 2001, the Port of <br /> Oakland is in the process of preparing a second Supplemental Environmental <br /> Impact Report (SEIR) for the Airport Development Program (ADP) at Oakland <br /> International Airport. A draft SEIR is scheduled to be completed for public review <br /> • <br /> toy late spring of this year. <br /> The court directed the Port to provide further information regarding the following <br /> issues: <br /> 1. Potential noise impacts of increased nighttime flights due to <br /> implementation of the ADP. The goal of this analysis is to identify the <br /> potential impacts of single event noise (SEL) on sleep disturbance. <br /> 2. Quantification of mobile- source emissions of possible toxic air <br /> contaminants that would occur from normal airport operations (conducted <br /> as part of the ADP), and an analysis of the potential effects of airport <br /> operations on air quality and human health. <br /> 3. Mitigation for impacts to the western burrowing owl caused by the ADP. <br /> Glossary of SEIR Terms: <br /> The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) — A statute that requires <br /> state and local agencies to identify the significant environmental impacts of their <br /> actions and to avoid or mitigate those impacts, if feasible. CEQA encourages the <br /> protection of all aspects of the environment by requiring state and agencies <br /> to prepare multidisciplinary environmental impact studies whenever proposing to <br /> develop projects that may impact the environment. CEQA also analyses include • <br /> a discussion of feasible project alternatives and mitigation measures, if <br /> applicable. • <br /> Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) — A method of predicting, by a <br /> single number rating, cumulative aircraft noise that affects communities in airport <br /> environs. CNEL represents the accumulation of aircraft noise during a 24 -hour <br /> • <br /> period, adjusted to account for the lower tolerance of people to noise during <br /> evening and nighttime hours. Weighting penalties of approximately 5 and 10 <br /> decibels are applied to aircraft operations conducted from 7 -10 p.m. and 10 p.m.- <br /> 111 7 a.m., respectively, to account for increased sensitivity during those periods. <br />