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• <br /> Decibel (dB) — A unit for describing the amplitude of sound. <br /> Environmental Impact Report (EIR) — A detailed statement prepared in <br /> accordance with CEQA, that describes a proposed project, analyzes the project's <br /> significant environmental effects, identifies a reasonable range of alternatives, <br /> and discusses possible ways to mitigate or avoid the environmental impacts. <br /> Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) — A document prepared under the . <br /> requirements of the federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). <br /> Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) — This is an evaluation of toxic air <br /> contaminants associated with the emissions from mobile sources operating at the <br /> airport. Mobile sources include aircraft, airline service equipment, cars, trucks <br /> and ground transportation vehicles. <br /> Noise Contours — Lines drawn on a map that connect points of equal noise <br /> exposure values. It is a noise "footprint," and in California represents the CNEL <br /> value. Contours are usually in 5- decibel increments. • <br /> Sound Exposure Level (SEL) — A summation of the sound energy over the <br /> duration of a noise event, where duration is defined as the time when the sound <br /> level first exceeds a threshold level to the time that the sound level drops back <br /> down below the threshold. The sound energy is compressed to a one second <br /> • value. Thereby, the SEL value is a measure of both the maximum sound level <br /> and the duration of the noise event. <br /> Prepared by the Port of Oakland <br /> • <br /> • <br /> • <br /> • <br />