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• DEC 17 2002 4:28 PM FR ME ERS NAVE 510 351 3804.T 5773340 P.04/05 <br /> • <br /> T0: Cary Council <br /> FROM: Liane M. Randolph, City Attomey <br /> RE: Settlement Agreement Between Port of Oakland and City of Alameda <br /> DATE: December 17, 2002 <br /> PAGE: 3 <br /> • The Port will pay the City $375,000 in attomeys fees. <br /> • The Port agreed to pay KJOB $137,879.00 In attomeys fees. <br /> • The Port also agreed in a supplemental agreement with KJOB to minimize overflights of <br /> Berkeley whenever possible and locate two noise monitoring sites in Berkeley. <br /> • In the supplemental agreement with KJOB, the Port also agreed to assist the Port in various <br /> efforts to lobby the FAA for restrictions on flights over Berkeley. <br /> • The Port affirmed the Quiet Hours Program that was already part of the 1976 Settlement <br /> Agreement between Alameda and the Port. However, the settlement agreement confirms <br /> the Quiet Hours Program as modified since the execution of the original 1976 agreement <br /> This means that the changes made to the Quiet Hours Program as the result of the work of <br /> • <br /> the North Field Flight Research Group, which benefited San Leandro, are now part of a <br /> written agreement and thus binding on the Port. <br /> • • There are no changes to the noise abatement procedures. The Quiet Hours Program, as <br /> modified, remains In effect, as does the Silent 7 departure procedure. Silent 7 requires <br /> planes taking off from South Feld runway over Alameda to make a left tum over the Bay <br /> and remain over the Bay as long as possible. The Port agrees to use its best efforts to <br /> coordinate with and persuade the FM to maximize the use of Silent 7. <br /> • The Port must take' °concrete and assertive efforts to gain enhanced compliance with the <br /> Quiet Hours program. <br /> • The Port must undertake an evaluation of general aviation aircraft departures from <br /> Runways 27UR. The goal will be to Identify and establish a protocol for Implementing <br /> procedures to encourage pilots departing from these runways to tum right as soon as • <br /> feasible. <br /> Just as a reminder, the City of San Leandro's Settlement Agreement with the Port includes the following: <br /> • Insulation of 200 homes and the Mulford Gardens Library <br /> • The North Field Preferential Runway Agreement prohibiting regularly scheduled or heavy <br /> commercial aircraft from flying out of North Field <br /> 614397-1 <br />