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• • <br /> Of consideration in this study will be (a) what short-term runway use strategies or <br /> operational measures could be employed for noise abatement; (b) what are the <br /> Tong -term operational needs of the airport (e.g., a future runway); and (c) is there <br /> an altemative runway configuration that could mitigate current noise problems? <br /> Status: This study is currently underway by the Port. <br /> 2. Develop a proactiveposition on the establishment of a National <br /> Stage 4 noise limit and phase -out of aircraft not meeting Stage 4 <br /> limits. <br /> • <br /> The Forum has been adyised that this is one way of making Congress and the <br /> FAA aware of regional concern over this issue. <br /> Status: determine specific action to be taken. <br /> 3. Seek legislative modification or relief from ANCA and FAR Part 161 <br /> limitations. <br /> This concem also needs to be communicated to Congress and the FAA. '. <br /> Status: Determine specific action to be taken. <br /> 4: Recommend. that ALUC adopt CNEL 65dB noise limit and require <br /> noise easements for any new residential development near OAK with <br /> noise levels above CNEL 65dB and encourage communities to adopt <br /> same requirement. <br /> Status: Forum has discussed possible CNEL 60dB noise level criterion. <br /> Determine specific action to betaken. <br /> 5. Seek relief from FAR Part 161 limits on Stage 2 business jets under <br /> 75,000 pounds. <br /> Status: Determine specific action to be taken. <br /> 6. Establish home purchase program (San Leandro near Timothy). <br /> Status:. Deferred for further discussion .(subject to clarification by San <br /> Leandro). <br /> 7. Redevelopment program for converting residential to commercial <br /> southeast of airport. <br /> Status: Deferred for further discussion (subject to clarification by San <br /> Leandro). <br /> Work Plan 2 Draft 7/18/01 <br />