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• • <br /> transportation modes should be done to see if further airport expansions are truly <br /> necessary. He believes building a North Bay airport is feasible. Noise is a national <br /> and international issue that needs to be addressed. <br /> • Committee Member Grant said that she had experienced recent noise disturbance <br /> from a police helicopter. She is very sympathetic to the community's concerns. <br /> • Committee Member Young said she has been receiving inquiries lately from the <br /> public regarding small planes carrying advertising banners that are buzzing San <br /> Leandro neighborhoods. The issue of disturbance from helicopters continues, as well <br /> as blimps. Mr. Grossman said he will contact the FAA to see if they have any control <br /> over general aviation operations of small planes with banners. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 5:07 p.m. <br /> • <br />