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DRAFT MINUTES Page 6 <br />Cite of San Leandro Cite Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting — July 5, 2011 <br />End of Public Comments <br />D. Report on Closed Session Actions Taken. <br />None. <br />11. CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR <br />City Councilmembers announced calendar of upcoming events and coordinate attendance. <br />12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS <br />City Councilmembers reported on meetings and other local events attended since the last <br />meeting; reported on attendance at conferences and seminars; and made brief comments on <br />issues of concern. <br />By consensus, the City Council: <br />• referred the consideration of the ban on chickens and bees to the Rules and <br />Communications Committee; <br />• agreed to extend the offer to the San Leandro Unified School District to post a picture of <br />their Board of Trustees outside the City Council Chambers; and <br />• agreed to add the topic of district elections to their discussion of possible amendments to <br />the City charter, and schedule the discussion for a fi ture City Council meeting. <br />13. ADJOURN <br />The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 p.m., in memory of City Manager Emeritus Lee Riordan. <br />RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: <br />MARIAN HANDA <br />City Clerk of the City of San Leandro <br />