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7/7/2011 <br />The Problem <br />• There is simply not now, nor will there be inithe <br />foreseeable future, an adequate supply of <br />Primary and Preventative Care. <br />• Health Care costs are rising at five times the <br />rate of wages, with health care premiums <br />doubling in the last decade and projected to at <br />least double in the next decade. <br />• A significant part of the problem is that we <br />continue to drive episodic care to the highest <br />cost settings. <br />The Problem (cunt.) <br />• Per the American College of Emergency Room <br />Physicians, California ranks 51St among states <br />in the US in terms of ED capacity. <br />• In all other jurisdictions that expanded coverage <br />(Vermont and Massachusetts), there were <br />significant increases in ED utilization after <br />coverage expansion. <br />4 <br />