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City Council Rules and Communications Committee Page ( 2 <br />June 23, 2011 <br />Committee Recommendation The Committee recommends that the City Council schedule <br />approval for the creation of a pilot program to digitally record the Rules and Communications <br />Committee meetings in the Sister Cities Gallery, and the Planning Commission and Board of <br />Zoning Adjustments meetings in the City Council Chambers. The program would be reviewed <br />after six months to assess the costs, usage and benefits of the program. The Committee further <br />recommends the purchase of the necessary equipment to digitally record meetings outside the <br />Council Chambers, which would be purchased with PEG funds. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Proposed Polystyrene Food Service Ware Ban Ordinance <br />Public Works Services Director Mike Bakaldin reported that staff met today with <br />representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and local businesses to discuss the draft <br />ordinance. <br />Administrative Analyst Jennifer Auletta described the content of the draft ordinance, which was <br />based on several ordinances adopted by other cities, primarily Hayward's and Alameda's. The <br />proposed effective date would be May 1, 2012, which would give businesses six full months to <br />implement changes before the ordinance takes effect. <br />Public Comments <br />Dave Johnson commented on the importance of reducing Styrofoam use, and noted the impact <br />the proposed ordinance would have on small businesses. Mr. Johnson suggested that prior to <br />implementing the ordinance, a group should be formed to work through the issues of sourcing <br />and product content, and a community education and outreach program should be created. Mr. <br />Johnson indicated willingness by the Chamber, business associations and local businesses to <br />assist with education and outreach efforts. <br />Cheryl Miraglia stated that while she supports the ban, she would like it to be equitable. She <br />commented that larger businesses, and businesses not located in San Leandro, are given an <br />unfair advantage, and that six months was not adequate time for businesses to make the change. <br />Ms. Miraglia suggested revisions to the ordinance, including community outreach and a two - <br />year grace period. <br />Tim Holmes expressed support for the ban, and agreed with Ms. Miraglia's comments, <br />including the two -year program phase -in. Mr. Holmes commented that he would like to see it <br />made easier for businesses to apply for exemption, and he would also like to see the City work <br />with suppliers. <br />Ricky Ricardo supported the ban, and stated that he would like it to be easy and efficient for <br />businesses to comply with the program. <br />