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years 6 through 10, 50 percent would go to the General Fund. After the 10 year period the entire <br />TOT amount would go into the General Fund. <br />Councilmember Souza asked how service costs to the new development would be funded such as <br />Police and Fire Department staffing. Manager Battenberg replied that property tax and sales tax <br />generated by the development would go to the General Fund to pay for those services. <br />Projections of the property and sales tax revenue stream to go to the City will be provided to the <br />City Council in the future. <br />Councilmember Starosciak asked if the Marina Inn and the golf club revenue are included in the <br />projections. Manager Battenberg explained that the projections are only for the Harbor Division of <br />the Shoreline Enterprise Fund. The Golf Course and Shoreline Divisions which generate <br />approximately $500,000 annually are not included in the analysis. <br />Councilmember Starosciak clarified that the estimated annual difference between the two <br />alternatives was approximately $900,000 per year. The net cost of the Marina Park option would <br />be, on average, a negative $550,000 annually versus the Aquatic Park option which would net, <br />on average, a positive amount of $340,000 annually. Mr. Miller added a marina will always <br />require ongoing dredging. <br />Councilmember Prola asked if the financial feasibility analysis presumed any Federal funding <br />since there is a Federal Channel that leads to the harbor basin. Director Bakaldin replied negative <br />because there are no assurances or signs that there will be any available Federal funding. He <br />cited that at the present time the U.S. Army Corp is not funding dredging of recreational <br />channels and harbors. <br />Councilmember Starosciak asked if it was possible to give the Marina Park option a chance, <br />perhaps 10 years, and if funding sources cannot allow it to continue, change course to the <br />Aquatic Park option. Mr. Miller replied that would be an expensive alternative to dredge for the <br />boats and to construct capital improvements for the project and then construct the other <br />alternative. <br />Councilmember Prola asked if there would be any further dredging after the initial dredge for the <br />Aquatic Park alternative. Director Bakaldin replied that in the Inner Basin Alternatives study by <br />ESA, the Aquatic Park design and construction was to be self - sustaining with the tides, thus <br />dredging would not be necessary after the initial one. <br />Councilmember Starosciak asked when the new library building would be constructed. Manager <br />Battenberg replied between Phases 1 and 2. The exact timing has not yet been considered. An <br />assumption is that there would be temporary library if construction displaces the existing <br />building. <br />Manager Battenberg clarified that the Committee's meeting was for information only and that no <br />action was necessary. <br />Councilmember Starosciak asked that the highlights of this Committee meeting be distributed to <br />the City Council in their July 18, 2011 agenda packets. <br />