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IN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2011- RDA <br />RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />ADOPTING AN ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE PURSUANT TO <br />HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34169 <br />WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro ( "Agency ") is a <br />redevelopment agency formed, existing and exercising its powers pursuant to California <br />Community Redevelopment Law, Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq. ( "CRL "); <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 34169(g) of the CRL (enacted pursuant <br />to Assembly Bill xl 26), the Agency is required adopt an Enforceable Obligation Payment <br />Schedule that lists all of the obligations that are "enforceable obligations" within the meaning of <br />subdivision (d) of Section 34167 of the CRL and which includes the following information about <br />each such obligation: <br />(A) The project name associated with the obligation. <br />(B) The payee. <br />(C) A short description of the nature of the work, product, service, facility, or other thing <br />of value for which payment is to be made. <br />(D) The amount of payments obligated to be made, by month, through December 2011; <br />WHEREAS, an Enforceable Obligation Payment Schedule, a copy of which is attached, has <br />been presented to the Agency, the Agency is familiar with the contents thereof, and the Executive <br />Director has recommended approval of said Schedule subject to the contingencies and reservation <br />of rights set forth in this Resolution; <br />WHEREAS, the Agency understands and believes that an action challenging the <br />constitutionality of Assembly Bill x1 26 and Assembly Bill xl 27 will be filed on behalf of cities, <br />counties and redevelopment agencies; <br />WHEREAS, the Agency reserves the right to challenge the legality of Assembly Bill xl 26 <br />and Assembly Bill xl 27; <br />WHEREAS, the Agency reserves the right to amend the Enforceable Obligation Payment <br />Schedule; <br />WHEREAS, in adopting the Enforceable Obligation Payment Schedule, the Agency does <br />not intend to waive, nor shall the Agency be deemed to have waived any rights the Agency or its <br />successor may have pursuant to or in connection with any obligation listed on such Schedule, <br />including without limitation, the right to modify, amend, terminate or challenge any obligation <br />listed on such Schedule; <br />1675723.2 <br />