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Driveway Replacement Program <br />Admin Code Amendment <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />18, 2011 <br />Options for modifying the existing Administrative Code were presented to the City Council <br />Facilities and Transportation Committee on June 14, 2011. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />It is estimated that at the current cost sharing rate, each driveway replacement will cost the City <br />approximately $1,000. The number of requests and associated costs varies widely depending on <br />the neighborhood's age and driveway condition. The recommended amendment is expected to <br />reduce the number of eligible driveways by 50% to 75 %. <br />Budget Authority <br />Unless funded by separate appropriation in the future, the cost of implementing this program will <br />come from the street reconstruction accounts that fund pavement projects. <br />Cad Rodriguez, De t nance Director <br />Attachments <br />Recommended modification to existing Administrative Code Title 8, Chapter 5, Substandard <br />Residential Driveways. <br />CONCLUSION <br />This resolution modifies the existing Administrative Code regarding property owner /City cost <br />sharing for non - standard driveway replacement under certain conditions when streets are <br />reconstructed. Provisions are also included for suspending the driveway replacement program <br />when funding is not available for its implementation. <br />Staff recommends approval of the amendment to Administrative Code Title 8, Chapter 5. <br />GACouncil Items In ProcessVUL 181Driveway Replacement Program - AMEND CODE1Driveway Replacement Program MEM.Doc <br />