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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2011- <br />RESOLUTION AMENDING TITLE 8, CHAPTER 5 TO THE SAN LEANDRO <br />ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, RELATING TO SUBSTANDARD RESIDENTIAL <br />DRIVEWAYS <br />Recitals <br />WHEREAS, the City Council has carefully examined and reviewed the staff <br />report and proposed amendment to the San Leandro Administrative Code as it relates to <br />the Substandard Residential Driveways Program. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does <br />RESOLVE as follows: <br />That Sections 8.5.200, 8.5.400 and 8.5.500 of the San Leandro Administrative <br />Code, are amended, and a new Section 8.5.600 is added, to read as follows: <br />" §8.5.200: AUTHORITY TO ADMINISTER POLICY. The City Engineer shall <br />have the sole discretion to determine if an existing driveway is substandard and meets the <br />pre - requisites necessary to qualify under this program. <br />§8.5.400: PROCESS. Whenever the City undertakes street reconstruction, the <br />City will inspect residential driveways within the limits of construction. A driveway will <br />be eligible under this program when it does not conform to the current City standard; and, <br />where the pavement elevation at the gutter has been significantly lowered in the course of <br />street reconstruction. <br />Driveways altered by the construction of non - permitted concrete, asphalt, wood, <br />or other unauthorized materials will not qualify under this program, unless the conditions <br />found in the aforementioned paragraph also exist. <br />All residential properties will receive written notice containing details of the <br />upcoming street reconstruction. <br />Property owners will also be advised whether or not the replacement of their <br />driveway qualifies for cost sharing under this program. <br />Property owners will also be informed that following the completion of the street <br />reconstruction work, that use of appurtenances in the street gutter (e.g., wood, concrete, <br />or metal ramps) to adjust for grade differences between the street and driveway will not <br />be allowed in accordance with San Leandro Municipal Code, Section 5 -1 -200. This <br />notification is necessary to minimize the potential for flooding and pavement water <br />damage as a result of gutter blockage. <br />