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BART — Downtown Pedestrian Improvements <br />CSA - Golden Associates 2 July 18, 2011 <br />friendly improvements in front of the San Leandro BART Station. The improvements will be <br />installed along San Leandro Boulevard between Davis Street and Williams Street, and will <br />include the following: <br />• Installation of on- street parking and a landscaped median <br />• Sidewalk reconstruction to provide wider walkways, added landscaping, new street <br />lights, and sidewalk bulb -outs with enhanced crosswalk paving <br />• Installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection with Parrott Street and accessibility <br />upgrades to the intersections with Davis Street, West Juana Avenue and at the BART <br />entrance <br />In addition, this grant provides for supplementary pedestrian enhancements on East 14'' Street. <br />The project will incorporate elements related to the TOD Strategy by installing safe bicycle and <br />pedestrian connections to BART and the surrounding neighborhood while making stronger <br />multi -modal transportation connections in the downtown area. These improvements include the <br />following: <br />• Enhanced crosswalk paving <br />• Installation of ornamental way- finding signage between Davis Street and Juana Avenue <br />• Installation of bicycle racks for the AC Transit bus stops at Davis Street and East 14 <br />Street <br />This project will also coordinate and incorporate the recommendations of the San Leandro <br />Boulevard BART interface study currently being finalized by the City under a separate <br />Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) grant. <br />Analysis <br />City staff will act as the lead engineer on this project with assistance from landscape and <br />electrical designers. Additional topographic survey consulting services may also be required. <br />A Request for Proposal (RFP) was sent in May 2010 to several landscape architecture <br />consultants with direct experience in similar streetscape projects. Proposals were received from <br />five firms (BMS, Gates Associates, Golden Associates, Harris Design and MPA Design). Based <br />on a panel review of the proposals received, Golden Associates was selected as the most suitable <br />design consultant team for this project. <br />Golden Associates was selected based on the following: 1) a positive track record on prior City <br />of San Leandro projects; 2) positive references for other successful streetscape projects, <br />including from the City of Oakland; and 3) familiarity with Bay Friendly Landscape principles <br />and current storm water treatment requirements. Furthermore, the current project is intended to <br />blend architecturally with two other adjacent downtown streetscape projects (the West Estudillo <br />Pedestrian Connection and the Downtown Lighting and Pedestrian Improvements), both of <br />which were designed by Golden Associates. Finally, Golden Associates is an Underutilized <br />Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (UDBE), which helps the City meet its requirements for <br />federal funding. <br />