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• Responses to RFIs, submittals, and change order responses, and LEED certification <br /> documentation. <br /> Task 5 - On -Site Engineering Support <br /> Consultant shall provide on -site engineering support services to assist City and Contractor during <br /> certain periods of the construction. <br /> Task 5.1 — On -Site Engineering Support. Consultant shall provide on -site engineering support <br /> services to assist City and Contractor to perform certain tasks, including but not limited to the <br /> following: 1) review and respond to general questions related to the contract documents, 2) <br /> review and respond to RFIs, 3) review and respond to submittals and shop drawings, and 4) other <br /> support tasks as requested by the City. Consultant shall provide one design engineer familiar <br /> with the project to work in the construction trailer two days a week for 60 weeks (120 days) <br /> during the construction period. It is anticipated that Consultant's design engineer will only <br /> perform this service during the first half of the construction period. The Consultant's design <br /> engineer will also attend weekly construction meetings when available. For this task, a budget <br /> equivalent to about 840 hours have been included. <br /> Information Provided by City: <br /> • Working space at City's construction trailer. <br /> Consultant Deliverables: <br /> • On -site engineering support. <br /> Task 6 - Startup /Training <br /> Consultant shall provide selected startup /training services outlined herein to the City and plant <br /> staff. <br /> Task 6.1 — Startup Assistance. Consultant shall provide as- requested startup assistance to the <br /> City and plant staff during startup of the new facilities. Consultant's Operations Specialist shall <br /> be available on an as- needed basis to resolve startup and process setting adjustment issues and <br /> provide general consultation regarding equipment installation issues. For this task, a budget <br /> equivalent to about 160 hours have been included but can be higher or lower depending on the <br /> actual effort required. <br /> Information Provided by City: <br /> • Startup questions. <br /> Consultant Deliverables: <br /> • Startup solutions. <br /> Task 6.2 — Operations Training. Consultant shall perform an overview training to the plant <br /> staff on the use of the following groups of equipment. <br /> Consulting Services Agreement between Project No. 08- 593 -52 -239 <br /> City of San Leandro and Carollo Engineers, Inc. Page 24 <br />